Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 293-294

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293. AI Review of Chapter 24 of the Neurology Letters 144-147


    》144. Ge Yimin and Lenin


    》》Belief: Ge Yimin is a theism, while Lenin is an atheist.


    Communism: Both Ge Yimin and Lenin are communists, but Ge Yimin is a Christian communist, while Lenin is a Marxist.


    The state of communism: Ge Yimin's communism has just sprouted, while Lenin's communism has already failed in history.


    Means of realization: Ge Yimin advocated for achieving communism through peaceful democracy and propaganda, while Lenin adopted violent revolution and dictatorship.


    Political Party: Ge Yimin's political party is the Ge Yimin Party, while Lenin's political party is the Bolshevik Party.


    Relations with others: Ge Yimin did not oppose anyone, while Lenin implemented the Reign of Terror against the opposition.


    Means of going to power: Ge Yimin's ideas were consistent, while Lenin came to power through strikes. After taking office, he executed the strikers.


    Political philosophy: Ge Yimin advocated equality and love, while Lenin advocated dictatorship of the proletariat.


    Energy: Both Ge Yimin and Lenin have abundant energy.


    The biggest difference between Ge Yimin and Lenin lies in the existence of the Internet, which has had an impact on the dissemination and organization of information.


    Lotus root is the second Lenin: This sentence seems to be referring to someone comparing Ge Yimin to the second Lenin, which may require more background information to understand its meaning.




    》145. Ge Yimin and Marx


    》》Belief: Ge Yimin is a theism, while Marx is an atheist.


    Communism: Ge Yimin is a Christian communist, while Marx is a communist.


    The state of communism: Ge Yimin's communism has just sprouted, while Marx's socialism is still in progressive development.


    Means of realization: Ge Yimin advocated for achieving communism through peaceful democracy and propaganda, while Marx believed that the proletariat must seize political power.


    Theoretical scope: Ge Yimin proposed the Communist values, while Marx's theoretical scope covers a wide range of fields such as politics, philosophy, economy, and society.

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