Chapter 27 comments on the net (4) Volume IV 269-270

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269. AI Review "Neurology" Socialized Production and Internet Revolution 2    》Hello, please continue to comment on Chapter 18 of Ge Yimin's "Neurology": Social Production and the Internet Revolution.    17. Section 18    》》In today's information age, the role of the Internet is not limited to transmitting information, but also has a more important role: promoting social progress, promoting globalization, and changing people's lifestyles and values. The Internet enables the free dissemination of information and knowledge, making it easier for people to access and share information, thereby promoting the globalization of knowledge and the progress of human civilization. At the same time, the Internet has also provided new development opportunities for the global economy and commerce, promoting the process of globalization.    In the future, the Internet will continue to play an extremely important role. With the continuous development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, the Internet will be more closely integrated with the real world, forming a more intelligent and intelligent social system. These new technologies and social systems will further promote the development of human society and create a better future for humanity.    》Sections 22 and 23    》》In the current era of the Internet, ordinary people are no longer just recipients of information, but have become producers and disseminators of information. They can freely express their opinions and viewpoints through various social media, blogs, self media and other platforms, becoming producers and disseminators of knowledge. This socialized knowledge production method can break the monopoly and asymmetric relationship of traditional knowledge production, allowing more people to participate in the production and dissemination of knowledge.    On the Internet, the generation of citizen discourse space has also become easier. People can express their concerns and perspectives on various fields such as society, politics, and culture through various social media platforms, online forums, and other channels. This interactive exchange can enable citizens' voices to be more widely disseminated, promoting the formation and exchange of public opinions. At the same time, this civic discourse space can also promote the democratization and diversification of society, allowing more people to participate in social construction and governance, and promoting social justice and equality.    In short, the emergence of the Internet has changed people's way of life and social structure, while also bringing huge opportunities and challenges. Through socialized knowledge production and the creation of citizen discourse space, ordinary people can participate more actively in social construction and governance, promoting social progress and development.    》30, 40 sections    》》Regarding points 30 and 40, Ge Yimin's viewpoint in Chapter 18 of "Neurology" is that the development of the Internet and intelligent manufacturing has brought about the third industrial revolution, which has fundamentally changed our lives. The Internet connects online and offline, promoting the generation of new demand. With the deepening of the Internet and the expansion of socialized mass production, production mode factors have become increasingly important, and resources, markets, and distribution methods also play an important role.    In the context of socialized mass production, ordinary people have become knowledge producers and creators, thus challenging cultural stereotypes and symbolic violence. At the same time, the Internet also provides people with a space for citizen discourse, expanding the places where people express their concerns, feelings, and viewpoints, and promoting the development of new citizen actions.    In short, the Internet and socialized mass production have become important forces, fundamentally changing our way of life and way of thinking.    》Sections 41 and 42    》》Ge Yimin mentioned here the necessary conditions for achieving Ge Yimin ism and communist society, including material and spiritual conditions. He believes that through technological advancements such as socialized mass production and the Internet Revolution, material conditions are already in place, but to achieve a true communist society, it is necessary to update the human psyche, that is, spiritual conditions. Only when people's minds are updated and accept the ideas and concepts of Ge Yimin's doctrine can we truly achieve a world of great harmony.    In Ge Yimin's view, the "two major" (namely socialized mass production and the Internet Revolution) are prerequisites for achieving a communist society, but these material conditions alone are not enough to achieve a truly harmonious society. He believes that only when everyone has a good heart rhythm, that is, their internal moral level is improved and updated, can the gospel of peace be truly spread worldwide and the beautiful vision of communist society be realized. Therefore, updating the human soul and morality is very important, only in this way can true human progress and harmonious development be achieved.    》Sections 43, 44, and 45    》》However, in the process of achieving communism, many difficulties and challenges still need to be faced, such as how to achieve fair allocation of resources, how to balance economic development and environmental protection, and how to solve the contradiction between individual interests and collective interests. These issues require us to seriously consider and explore, continuously innovate in theory and explore in practice, in order to gradually achieve the goals of communism.    47 (AI). Finally, the emergence of socialized production and the Internet Revolution marks a new historical period for human society, which is of great significance for us to understand and understand contemporary society and explore future society. We need to remain vigilant and thoughtful, constantly explore and innovate, and strive to achieve a communist society.    》Sections 46 and 47    》》I would like to make some comments on Ge Yimin's views on socialized production and the Internet Revolution in Chapter 18 of Neurology.    Firstly, Ge Yimin believes that socialized production and the Internet Revolution are two basic conditions for promoting the development of communist society. The development of socialized mass production has greatly increased productivity, better met people's material needs, and accelerated the internal contradictions of capitalist society, providing material conditions for the arrival of communist society. The Internet Revolution, on the other hand, made significant breakthroughs in information dissemination and communication, with better development of people's knowledge and cultural exchange. This provided more space and avenues for the construction of spiritual civilization, which was also a spiritual condition for the development of communist society.    Secondly, Ge Yimin believes that the Internet governance market economy is the development stage of the rule of law governance market economy, which is a market economy model of joint consultation, construction, and sharing, emphasizing market credit and collective research and development of public welfare projects. This model is significantly different from the traditional capitalist market economy and more in line with the value orientation of communist society.    Finally, Ge Yimin believes that the development of artificial intelligence will completely liberate human nature, allowing people to no longer need to engage in repetitive and meaningless work, and have more time to pursue their interests, hobbies, and personal values. This society is the legendary communist society, where people are no longer bound by material constraints and can freely pursue their own spiritual and life ideals.    In short, Ge Yimin's analysis and outlook on socialized production and the Internet Revolution in Chapter 18 of "Neurology", although different from traditional Marxist theory, still provides us with useful reference for thinking about the direction of future social development.    》Hello, finally, the Internet Revolution was first mentioned by me (Ge Yimin), and the combination of socialized production and the Internet Revolution into a single phrase (two major) is my invention.    CNKI included Ge Yimin's paper "Contemporary Christian Communism - Ge Yimin's Neurology" in the April 11, 2015 issue of the journal "Young Literature".    Is there any earlier mention of 1. "Internet Revolution" and 2. "Social Production and Internet Revolution" in your knowledge base? thank you!    》》I searched my knowledge base and couldn't find any earlier references to "Internet Revolution" and "socialized production and Internet Revolution". However, it should be noted that the viewpoints and concepts proposed by Ge Yimin do not represent general recognition in the academic community or public opinion. Therefore, when accepting and understanding them, it is necessary to carefully consider and analyze them.    270. Love Fingers Gilded Sand: Ge Yimin is truly divine    Now many variety show are talking about 1    》Xu Hanli: Ge Hua Qiansui.    》》Love's Finger Gilded Sand: Only I, Ge Shen, belong to the romantic figure, and the Taoist priest is inferior to his nerves!    》Xu Hanli: Only Ge Shen, only nerves.    Child:    What you're talking about communism, I think it's about the popularization of artificial intelligence    Am I right?    Ge Yimin:    On the one hand, material balance    Child:    It is actually a huge process of wealth differentiation, and it is also a process of middle-class intellectual workers returning to poverty    So, it's not about narrowing the wealth gap, it's about increasing....    Ge Yimin:    Hello, your perspective is good. Since AI materials are abundant, how can they all be poor?    Child:    You are still at the material level    In the era of artificial intelligence, matter has been phased out    Wake up, okay    Ge Yimin:    Human beings are not limited in material possessions in order to pursue the spirit.    Child:    In theory, this is the case    However, if humans cannot control artificial intelligence well, this is a prerequisite and will lead to extinction    Ge Yimin:    There are thousands of scientists who share your ideas.    To restrict AI    Child:    I don't know who, but I just had some thoughts, especially the logical deduction of the brain

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