Parker Stevens; Chapter Six

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I stood there, eyes wide in shock as his lips pressed against mine eagerly. I had no clue what to do. I closed my eyes, still unsure if I was doing this right. After a moment, I heard a camera click and turned my head to see Parker’s phone out and placed in front of us to take the picture. My eyes widened in shock. I looked over at him as he pulled his phone back and put it in his pocket.

            “G’night Grace.” He said, still smirking. I stared after him as he walked down the stairs and out to his car. I quickly ran to him.

            “DID YOU JUST TAKE A PICTURE!?” I yelled at him as he opened his car door.

            “Yeup.” He said, glancing over his shoulder. He smirked widely at me before sliding into the car. He waved to me as I started the car, then he backed out of the driveway.

            I stood frozen as I watched his car retreat down my street and turn out onto the main one. I shook myself out of this daze, hoping that nobody would see that picture. Hoping...and praying.

            So that little spiel was fake. I wonder how he got himself to blush like that. I really need to get a few new tricks up my sleeve.

            Parker. God what am I going to do with you?

            Sighing, I went to my door and let myself in with my key, running to my room quickly and throwing myself on my bed.

            I grabbed my phone from my pocket and pressed my number one speed dial.

            “What happened?” Bri’s voice echoed from the speaker.

            “Mpfgdh.” I said against my bed’s comforter.

            “Can you sit up from your bed so I can actually hear what you’re saying?” She asked. I grunted in response.

            “Fine. I’m coming over then.”

            “Mrfphph.”I responded before the phone line went dead. I shut it with one hand and sat there for a moment, contemplating if I wanted to move or not. I chose the latter.

            I must’ve fallen asleep because then next thing I knew there was knocking on my door and buzzing in my ear.

            “I’m up!” I yelled, not before I fell over and landed on my floor. My cell phone was buzzing on my bed and the house phone was ringing as well as the insistent pounding on the door. I looked down at my white comforter and noted the smudged black make-up on it in an exact shape of my eyes. I snorted and quickly ran to the door before the person outside had a hernia.

            I swung open the door and the person who had been knocking fell in and onto the hardwood floor. Bri grinned up at me sheepishly before raising an eyebrow.

            “What happened to your face? You have make-up all over it.” She cocked her head then got up brushing off her black pants. I shrugged when she looked back up at me.

            “I fell asleep with my face on the bed...Not my best idea. My comforter has make-up all over it now,” I said as she walked into my house and I shut my door behind her. She began taking off her shoes and jacket before looking over at me. She dropped a large duffel bag on the ground. I looked from the duffel bag to her face before realization set in. “Sleepover?” I asked. She quickly nodded before gripping my hand and pulling me towards my room. She laughed at the imprint of my face on the comforter then pushed me down onto my bed. She held up a finger and ran back into the front hall, coming back with her bag trailing behind her.

Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a GrudgeWhere stories live. Discover now