Parker Stevens; Chapter Thirteen

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I'm dedicating this chapter to SheaRyhai because she commented such awesome things, and voted on every chapter. I'm also recommending her story 'The Entertainment.' It's really awesome and has a crapload of twists and such. 

Oh, ps, #539 ON THE WHAT'S HOT FOR HUMOR. *does happy dance and runs around small room while screaming "I got on the what's hot list!!!!"* my parents don't think I'm weird at all. 

never again - kelly clarkson. ahah sorry, it just was such a good angry song. you'll understand lol

ps, oh my god, I'm so sorry about this chapter. There is no humour at all in this part, but bear with me! I promise this is the worst it's gunna get: ) (sorry about the swearing in this one but that's how anyone would react in this situation!)


When I arrived at school the next day, Parker undoubtedly proved my mother wrong.

I walked to my locker, noticing stares and snickers pointed in my direction. Freaked out and hoping there wasn’t anything on my face, I pulled open my locker and checked the mirror. It looked like I was fine. I mean, there wasn’t anything wrong that I could see.

“Grace!” A voice screamed. I pulled away from my locker to see Briana at the end of the hall, scurrying towards me with a hand clasped over her mouth. There were tears brimming the rims of her eyes. My eyes widened.

“What’s wrong?!” I exclaimed before rushing to her side. She shook her head and pulled her hand away from her mouth. 

“Parker. He-he really got back at you.” She whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows before going to shut my locker. Once I had shut my locker, she tugged at my arm and pulled me towards Parker’s hallway.

I started noticing papers scattered around on the floor and innocently picked one up.

Teagan, I really wanted to tell you that you looked really cute today.

I immediately dropped the paper, recognizing it.

“I’m so sorry.” Briana whispered before she began running around and picking up the papers that scattered the floor.

I picked up another one.



Grace, just tell Teagan you like him. It’s easy. Jeez! lol

                My heart stopped.

                These were my e-mails.

“Oh, hello Gracie-poo!”

We had reached Parker’s hallway.

My hands shook with anger. Rage was not even the word to describe what was racing through my veins right now. Furious, livid, irate, fuming. My nails dug into the palms of my hands as I stared at his masterpiece in front of me. My heart felt like it was about to break into a million pieces. My cheeks burning with humiliation. My eyes burned with tears. I felt one slide down my cheek as I stared at the laughing masses in front of me.

I should probably explain something before I say what his masterpiece was.

I keep some secret stuff in my e-mail. E-mails that I’ve wanted to send but never sent. Things that I didn’t have the heart to delete or go through. It was a bad habit because I knew someone could access my account, but I just couldn’t bring myself to deleting anything. I just put a really extreme password: 909098080. I seriously didn’t think anyone could guess that. Apparently I was wrong.

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