Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-Nine *****FINAL CHAPTER*****

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are you ready!?


yes, you are.

welcome to the final chapter of Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a Grudge. I hope you enjoyed the ride, and I hope you don't leave little old me alone once this story is finished. I have other stories, one that I actually have the plot written out already. The story is called 72 Dares, and please read it if you haven't already. I really don't want all of you to disappear on me.. :( 


here you go.

PS, the song is kind of important, so if you can't see it on your ipod or whatever... you'll understand in a mintue :)


Tossing myself onto the left side of my body, I pushed my eyes open to see the clock read 3:30AM. Five minutes had passed since I last checked the time.

                I groaned loudly and shoved my face into my pillow angrily. I would be woken up in two hours for my flight. Grumpy was going to be present tomorrow.

                I hadn’t seen Parker since the confrontation on Tuesday and sleep hadn’t been coming to me since last Friday. I half expected him to do something horrible, half expected him to fight for me but I guess that wasn’t going to happen. Old Grace read too many romance novels, that’s for sure.

                My idea of men was very flawed- they weren’t like Noah in The Notebook. No man would ever rebuild a house for a girl. Or kiss her in the rain. Or settle for one girl. It just didn’t work. Sure, my parents settled, but they were an exception.

                Men these days used girls like they were napkins, never bothering to pick them up off the ground where they fell. Disposed of. I felt like I was just another one.

                I was officially a napkin.

                The thought had me groaning into my pillow again. In fact, the pillow was starting to choke me so I flipped myself back onto my back.

                Letting myself like Parker was probably inevitable. Maybe it was fate. But if so, fate was telling me we didn’t belong together. We were probably supposed to always hate each other, and Teagan just happened to help fate out.

                Ever since January first though, I think I secretly belonged to the boy who stole my first kiss. I knew some stuff about him, but not enough to have fallen in love with him.


                What is love anyways? It’s impossible for me to know what non-platonic love was because I had never experienced it. There was no doubt in my mind that Parker hadn’t experienced it either. Who knew who he was before he was homeless after his dad passed away? Teagan did, I guess, but it wasn’t like I was going to ever talk to him again. Not that I would even want to.

                Could I be in love with a selfish, pompous, jerk? I couldn’t sleep, barely ate anything, only thought about him for this past week. For two and a half months, my life had revolved around Parker Stevens. Plans, pranks- everything to try and bring him down. To get him to leave. Why?

                Because little Gracie-poo was scared.

                She was scared shitless of what Parker was doing to her. So she went and hid. And now, the new Grace was here, but even she was turning into a scared little bitch.

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