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(I'm bored)

"So.. Cavalry Captain.. Are you included in little investigations?" Childe would ask. The two went to the Angel's Share to further continue their night.

"Investigations like what?"

"Like.. I don't know.. something that detectives would be included in? Have you ever investigated people who tried to pull some kind of heist?" Childe gave more specifics.

Kaeya hummed. "Well.. last week I took part in some kind of interrogations. And no offense, but your little Fatui servants have really poor disguises to
hide their plans."

"Huh. I don't recall hearing about my comrades sneaking into Mondstadt." Childe said.

"They probably didn't tell you about that. There are 11 fatui harbringers. Well.. 10 and a half, actually." Kaeya tapped his finger on the counter.

Childe's expression slightly got more blank at the thought of Signora's death. "..Good point." He looked at Kaeya. "What did you do to them?"

"Well, they got tied up and blindfolded, and taken into an interrogation room. They had me deal with them because apparently I.." Kaeya quoted. "..scare the living daylights out of people."

"You don't seem that terrifying." Childe said.

"Hm." Kaeya nodded.


"They made it seem like it was some kind of accident." Amber was bent over, hands locked on her knees. She and Jean peered down at this.. trap set by those fatui envoys.

"I'm just surprised that they decided to place it this close to Mondstadt." Jean said.

The trap was a little aways from the bridge of Mondstadt. It looked like some kind of diversion that people would mistake for an animal. It seemed like those little scoundrels are aware with what they're playing with. But it's not enough to trick the Knights of Favonius.

"..We need to be quick, while they're distracted."

"I'm kind of scared.. Something doesn't feel right."

"Shh.. Don't be like that."

A couple of young agents hid behind the trees. They were behind Jean and Amber already, and were planning to quietly sneak off and make it into Mondstadt where the two have their guard down.


One of the two turned around, hearing unusual sounds. "What was that?"

"It's probably just the wind."

"But wouldn't we feel it, too?" The looked at each other.


"You're not very bright."

"Eh!?" The two looked up to see.. Captain Kaeya sitting in the tree.

Kaeya launched himself towards the two.

"Watch ou-"

Thud! Thwack!


Until I met you // Kaeya x ChildeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang