How Kaeya Views Others

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I wanted to do a little N/A thingy just for fun. I wanted to do a thing of how Kaeya views others.

It will be all Mondstadt characters, and some others that are acquainted with him(Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, even some Harbingers who have met them)

You can feel free to pretend that these voicelines are talking to the traveler, which would be you. I mean.. I made them sound like that so..

How Kaeya views others

"The Acting Grand Master.. Yes. You must give her your full support. She has a lot of work to do since Grand Master Varka has entrusted an important role to her."

"Ah, Lisa.. She is a very strict librarian. You best not forget to return books. I already made that mistake, and.. she was pretty angry. I can feel the numbness in my arm from last time.."

"She is a clever and truly out righteous knight. Try not to step out of line in front of her."

"Diluc.. He was quite the cutie as a young lad, but.. nowadays it's different. It's like he just sitting in a world of his own. Overall.. he's just not much fun to hang out with anymore. And yet.. why do I still feel so protective over him..? Oh- *Clears throat* Nevermind."

"Klee is such an adorable child! She's tamed easily, and is a very cuddly kid. However.. she fails to follow my warnings and keeps getting stuck in solitary confinement.. Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Albedo.. He's a very calm and collected guy, and is very talented. He's the type of character that everyone likes. Some even more than others. You like him as well, I'm guessing?"

"Have you tried one of Diona's drinks? Oh right.. you're still young. Such a shame, it truly is— not able to revel with you in such bliss. I suppose we can just wait for you to grow older."

"Given her title as the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, you think that having an eyepatch is very fitting? Haha, if so, would that make me a descendant of royalty? I'm just kidding."

"I was entrusted by Master Jean to support Noelle. But now that she's asked me to assist her with training, there hasn't been much going on. She is a very courageous kid, so I would hope for her to fulfill her dreams one day. Noelle has a good head on her shoulders. Quite the relief."

"Oh? Do you wish to know the secrets of Sister Rosaria? I'm afraid I can't tell you that. However my impression of her isn't any harm— certainly better than somebody who's name I won't even bother to mention. I can say that she is honest about herself. Sister Rosaria casts off that of which she has no time with, and doesn't feign for motivation in affairs that don't interest her."

"As an alchemist working for Albedo, she isn't much of an extrovert in public. Although, everyone always says that it's always the quiet ones. Apparently, her laboratory is like a home to quite the eclectic range of implements, and her experiments are more than just intellectually stimulating. Well.. all hearsay of course. Are you seriously thinking about me wanting to snoop around a fair lady's private quarters? Yeah, no thanks." *Quiet groan*

"Mika? Mika.. See, here's the thing. He's one of those characters that get very nervous very easily. I decided to tease him the first time we met, and all that did was make him even more nervous. And he even sent me an apology letter afterwards. I don't want to believe that that kind of behavior runs in the Schmidt's blood. Buuut~ since he's entrusted by the Grand Master to send important deliveries, I will go out of my way to protect him. You can only keep your innocence for so long."

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