Some Events I decided to cancel ⚠️

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(I had to with the picture 😂😂)

Hi! I decided to post this last chapter just to tell you guys that I actually had cut out some big things that I was originally going to add but never did.

1. Andrius was supposed to die: I cut this out because I noticed that people really love Razor, so I did not want to do that to him. I would have had it so that Andrius died from his deep wounds, but I cut it out for Razor.

2. Adelinde was supposed to sacrifice her life to save Diluc from a fatal attack: I actually forgot to add this, but when I remembered, I decided to cut it cuz it wouldn't make sense for her to suddenly show up lmao.

3. Kaeya was supposed to have saved Amber from a pillar that was about to crush her, and end him getting his ribs broken when a dragon tail hit him and knocked him into a wall. I did not know where to put this part so I cut it.

4. Foul Legacy was supposed to have gone back into the battle when it was just Kaeya Xiao and Shenhe. I also did not know where to put him, and kind of forgot about him for a bit.

5. I didn't really plan for Barbatos to come. But when it came to the Befall of Earth, Barbatos who is a god was the only thing that could have stopped that cataclysm that destroyed Khaenri'ah.

6. Either Shenhe or Ningguang were originally going to die, but I was puzzled on how they would die. It would have made sense if Shenhe died, but I didn't want to add to the sadness after Kaeya and Childe died. And Xiao.. and Albedo.. and... Lisa.

7. Fun fact: Baizhu actually dies a couple of years after the final battle, cuz of his chronic issue and him losing his life source. He was a good person, and was reincarnated with the others.

8. This isn't really something that was too big in the story but remember Ace, the fatui agent that Kaeya befriended? He actually takes the place as the big brother for Childe's siblings, Tuecer, Tonya, and Antony. He made up a lie that Childe was going on a business trip for a long time, and waited until they were old enough to know what happened to him and Childe. This is such a sad fact knowing that Ace actually met Kaeya when he was a kid(can you guess who Ace was in Kaeya's story? It was also an event that happened in Thoma's story :)

9. Yes, Lisa did die off screen. She had a very peaceful memorial. And as Jean promised, she did not cry when Lisa passed. They put her body in a very beautiful coffin and buried her where she fit. Next to Childe and Kaeya's grave..

10. Btw do you guys wanna know what happened to the other harbingers? Cuz here:

The Fatui Harbingers that had survived and exit the domain, soon found out about the passings of Childe and Dottore. They made a big funeral for both of them and mourned in peace.

After so, Pantalone decided to talk to the leader, Pierro, alone. He explained to the Jester that Kaeya Alberich and Tartaglia had died in each other's arms. When Pierro heard the surname, Alberich.. he confessed that Kaeya was his son. But Pantalone made a promise to him, to keep this a secret.

11. Yelan and Pantalone actually started dating some months after the last chapter. They get married two years later. Idk I just wanted to add this.

That might be all! I hope you enjoyed these facts! I'm kinda glad that I cut out those first few things 😂

633 words

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