46 - The End(?)

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(I suck at drawing fight scenes lmao, also weird question but.. why and how did Xiao x Itto become a ship?)

-Blood 🩸🩸✨

-Incoming death(So heads up)

-Btw I had someone say that Kaeya is op, and lemme tell you, Kaeya is not that overpowered tbh. If Rex Lapis was at full power from the start, everyone would have definitely lost real quick. So.. Rex Lapis has just gotten weaker after the 6000 years of him living 😂 Old man.

-Angst, some you might cry waterfalls

The wolf caught Kaeya and Xiao before they hit the ground. He gently placed them down, knowing that one was gravely injured.

"Adeptus Xiao is out of the battle! But we can't let that stop us from continuing." Kaeya put the Yaksha on the ground. He looked over and saw Childe who walked up next to him, face scarred. "..Ajax.."

Shenhe crouched down next to Xiao. "..Kaeya.. Kaeya!"

Kaeya looked down at the two. He was surprised by what he was seeing, eyes widening in shock.

Xiao hovered his hand over the wound. All of the surrounding area of his skin and flesh was disintegrating into dust. Because this blade was created from the God of Geo, it was practically turning Xiao into rock that crumbled immediately when forming.

Kaeya was speechless. One thing after another.. He just wanted this battle to end.

Rex Lapis' charging Befall of Earth was just about ready. And just like that..

..he would release the army of his Geo polearms.

Ningguang clenched her teeth in a short panic, shooting her hands out in command as an attempt to create a shield to protect everyone. But her magic deactivated when she saw something bright and white flash over everyone.

In a quiet and swift motion, big white wings would open, and flapped out, releasing anemo-covered feathers. Like arrows, they hit every one of Rex Lapis' structures, and stopped the Befall of Earth in an instant.

The figure was covered in an bright essence. A light appearance..

"..Barbatos.." Kaeya had saddened eyes looking at the god before him.

"I'm sorry I took so long. Getting back into my old form took more than expected." The God of Anemo looked back at him, hovering a meter or two over the ground.

We have Andrius and the God of Freedom. With this, our battle may be over. Jean had hope in her sparkling eyes.

Rex Lapis lowered to the ground. "With a god on the weaker side of the 7, you should not live to see yourself winning. The last contract.. shall be fulfilled."

"Adeptus Xiao, we will win this battle in honor of the people we have lost." Barbatos said. He didn't look at the Yaksha, refusing to see him in such pain.

"I will deal with the majority of his techniques while you guys find an opening." Barbatos stretched his wings.

Jean jogged up to Diluc's side. "Diluc, don't try so hard with the injuries you have."

"Don't worry about me so much." Diluc said.

"We can keep going. This battle won't stop until one side remains victor." Shenhe took a step forward.

"..Shenhe." Xiao said. "Take this.."

Shenhe was surprised to see the Yaksha holding out his Primordial Jade-Winged Spear. She slowly took the polearm out of his grasp. "..This weapon.."

Until I met you // Kaeya x ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now