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(I got a slinky).

-Fighting(It goes back and forth)


The sounds of missiles and bullets hit the ground that Kaeya and Childe were on. Many explosions erupted, and it soon stopped, but the smoke made it hard to see.

You couldn't see the face of who shot at them. Just their legs, and some of their body. It was a female, who seemed to have a scar, or line on her neck. It was like her head was cut off or something. At least it looked like that.

"..Well, they survived that. Eh, it was worth a try." That rasped voice sounded strange. Well.. her neck was cut clean, so..

Out of the smoke, flew out Childe and Kaeya, with some electro particles. Childe went into his Foul Legacy form in an instant, and used his armor to protect Kaeya. He had the Captain in his hold as he flew across the ground.

"Now they're shootings missiles at us? They actually are trying to kill us rather than capturing us!" Kaeya complained. He was holding Foul Legacy's long cape as he was held on his shoulder.

"So sudden.. So they already knew that we were having a stakeout." Foul Legacy's voice almost sounded like a whisper.

"Whoever it is, it isn't a Harbinger." Kaeya said. He'd gasp slightly, looking up. "There's more coming!"

Foul Legacy took that warning and dodged incoming missiles. With his electro abilities, he dashed across the ground, and launched himself off the ground and up a cliff. He spun that dual sided polearm of his and knocked back projectiles as they reached the top.

He landed, and gently put down Kaeya. They looked at the smoke forming.

"They stopped.." Kaeya said. "..This presence.." He would walk closer to the edge.

The smoke cleared, and he saw a little blonde with tentacles coming out of her back standing at the bottom.

Kaeya's eyes widened. "..It's you.."

Foul Legacy caught interest in those words. "Kaeya?" He was starting to get a bad feeling.

So it was.. She was back.. That girl of which he beheaded a long time ago. The one that he and Childe worked together to defeat..


"Surprised to see me?" She looked different. Her neck wasn't healed but it did keep her head on. Somehow, as a part adepti vampire girl, she survived being beheaded. "I was found by the 3rd, and she managed to revive me. Apparently I'm worth something, don't you think?"

"Yeah, for a spoiled brat cliche entrance." Kaeya said. He has a smile that just offended her.

"Ah!?" Kiromi growled at him.

Suddenly somebody burst in from the side and struck at the two atop the cliff.

Kaeya and Childe both dodged or blocked. The Captain pulled out his sword, and Foul Legacy brought up his dual polearm.

Immediately after, Kaeya and Foul Legacy went back to back. Seemed like they were already prepared to fight together.

Their second opponent slowly walked toward them, before stopping. "So you're just another runaway member, aren't you? Such a disappointment."

Introducing, Arlecchino. Her code name is The Knave in the Fatui Harbingers. So far, her powers were pretty unknown.

"So you are here.." Foul Legacy said. "As of right now, we are cornered.."

Until I met you // Kaeya x ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now