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(They're so precious.. 😖🥹✨✨ Also first time drawing Foul Legacy went.. okay)

-Quality time with our fav duos

Kaeya sighed. Last night, he had returned to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. He explained that he figured out the situation of Jean's little issue, and also mentioned the little encounter he had with an old acquaintance of his, if he can even call him that.. He didn't say that they had a fight. But he did mention that he met an expertise in healing, and that the wounds in his body were sealed, so Barbara was surprised about that. Everyone didn't suspect that things went bad, and Kaeya was completely injured, so they let him go. But there's somebody that has something to say.

"I deeply apologize for making you go onto this mission. Please put the blame on me, as I had let you disappear." Jean put a hand on her chest.

"It's completely fine, really. In other words, I should be thanking you. Because you sent me out, I had met a healer who could seize the pain I was feeling." Kaeya gently smiled at her. "It was the right decision, Master."

Jean still felt the guilt, but Kaeya was fine, so she felt that it's better to be happy for him.

"I need to go find Noelle. I was absent for when we were supposed to meet up so I could train her." Kaeya walked down the galley to the exit. Although she probably trained on herself like I said she should.


"C-Captain Kaeya! I didn't realize you were back!" Noelle exclaimed, quite shocked to see him suddenly appear.

"I just arrived last night. Don't worry about what happened to me. I met somebody who healed my wounds, so I'm feeling pretty good." Kaeya said. "Did you do your exercises by any chance?"

"Ah, yes. I practiced with Amber's help. Uhm.. I actually need to tell you something." Noelle adjusted her position, holding her hands in front of her.

"Bennett tends to use a sword a lot, but because he hasn't had any proper training due to his bad luck, he isn't very skillful. He was wondering if you could help him out." She said.

"Bennett.. I hardly ever see him.. Well, alright. But with his luck, I can't promise that he'll get any better with the sword." Kaeya chuckled.


"So the captain seems lively." Amber said. She and Eula were walking around the side of Mondstadt. "But it still doesn't conclude why he was gone for so long."

"Just relax, Amber. We might find out one day or another. Unless if you want to solve the mystery now.." Eula trailed off.

"I want to think that he might have gotten caught up in some other business, but that doesn't sound right." The outrider had a tough time trying to be a detective.

"You know what I think?"

A low toned voice with the owner of a church nun approached the two just a few feet ahead of them. Of course, nun means that it's no one other than Rosaria, a sister of the Church of Favonius.

"If you've noticed, although it doesn't sound like you have, Kaeya had met this guy with ginger hair. Of course, he wields a vision that is hydro. Some kind of romance thing has been going on, and that might be the case. If I had to take a guess, Kaeya had a drink with him and lost track of time if he got tipsy." Rosaria ranted on, and then she stopped.

She does know that it isn't the truth. But she is doing as Kaeya would want, and is making sure the two don't suspect anything else. Rosaria knows that Kaeya doesn't like when others get worried for him, because that means that he'll be on the watch by loyal friends. Also she did have a talk with him, and Kaeya told her that he got into a fight on a serious topic. She's that one best friend who does anything to make those she cares about comfortable.

Until I met you // Kaeya x ChildeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora