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(I'm in need of chapter ideas..)

It sure has been a while.. Perhaps sometime I should just check up on commissions. He walked down the stairs of Mondstadt.

The sound of shoes clacking on the ground grew louder as somebody went to catch up with Kaeya. The Captain noticed the panting, and stopped in his tracks to turn around. The presence was different from the rest of times a person chased after him. That's not Amber.

"Hm? Noelle?" Kaeya saw the young maid stopped to catch her breath.

"Kaeya, sir. I've been trying to find you." Noelle held her chest, exhausted from running so much to reach Kaeya.

"Is something wrong?" Kaeya questioned. Noelle never comes to him, so perhaps something was happening.

Noelle stood up straight. "No, but.. I noticed that because you have a lot of time off, I could ask you.. to uhm.. to.."

She intertwined her fingers together. "To train me!"

"I.." Kaeya wasn't sure what to say. Anyone who wanted to be a Knight stopped going to Kaeya, because his training is so brutal. It's been almost a year since somebody asked him for lessons. "..Why ask me?"

Noelle took a moment to respond. "B-Because Master Jean is too busy to bring in students. And Amber isn't a high ranked Knight. Miss Lisa isn't qualified to be a fighter. And.. I-I don't know the other Knights very well.."

Kaeya stood silent, listening to every word. He crossed his arms.

"I also heard how people really dislike your training style.. And that makes me wanna give it a shot." Noelle continued. She looked at the ground, pausing for a moment.

"Hm. I'm hearing that you want to become stronger." Kaeya said.

"Yes. I want to be strong, so I can protect people. I want to become a Knight." Noelle held her hands together.

Kaeya softly smiled. "Alright, I give in. But, since you're already strong as a vision user, it's not necessary to go over the basics." He and Noelle started walking down Mondstadt together.

"Wielding a claymore is much different than a sword, but I'll work things out. First off, you want to improve your physical strength so it's easier to swing your weapon around." Kaeya said. "Also.. you might want to change into a more open outfit. Wearing a dress to training lessons probably isn't the best idea."

"Right." Noelle nodded.

"I'll have the maids in the Dawn Winery find an outfit for you, so no worries." Kaeya pat her shoulder.

"Oh, thank you."


"Is it comfortable?" Kaeya asked.

Noelle wore a short sleeved top, which layered over the pants. She also had some gloves that give her a better grip. "Yeah."

For a moment, Kaeya went to fix her collar. "Okay, let's try this." He went over, and leaned down to grab what looked like a basic claymore.

"Try using this. It's kind of heavy, so.." Kaeya held it with one hand. He let Noelle grab it, and the moment he let go..

Noelle's body got weighed down by the unexpected weight. The claymore hit the ground, creating a little mark. "Oops. It's a lot heavier than I expected." She let out a little laugh, as she pulled it up.

Kaeya smiled. "It's made of stone, so it's like you're carrying a boulder. Although my body's density had grown, so the weight doesn't bother me much."

By the way, the claymore's around 20-30 pounds.

Until I met you // Kaeya x ChildeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora