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(My cat had one hell of a dream. She was sleeping with her head on my shoulder and kept shaking o-o Also my drawing's a little off but I was too lazy to fix the wrongs in it XD)

-Heavy Angst


The war from 500 years ago is still remembered by many.. it always seems like nobody has survived that tragic day.. Only victims of death lying about..

  ..My siblings were one of them.. but.. I didn't join them..

Barbatos.. do you really think that you made the right choice? Didn't you see.. that I wanted to die? You should have killed me and be done with it..


         ..was it the right choice?

Every year, at least 200 Khaenri'ahns' die. And from how often they're appearing, that number increases.. I've started to see a minimum change throughout the years of my life in Mondstadt.

   ..Hilichurls.. they're more timid than before.. that's because they realize what kind of world they're in..

  ..They can't help themselves..

Everyone sees them as threats to their people. To their cities..

There was a scene of hilichurls having terrible aches and migraines to their heads. The one in front was leaned over, but then it raised it's head high.

Only those who have witnessed that war.. Could see..

The hilichurls mask would slowly crack, until it broke.. A person's blacked out face revealed, screaming in agony, which echoed throughout the land.

   ..what's hidden behind the mask..

Background hilichurls who's masks also broke would join in the screaming.

  Cries echoing in my head.. I heard it, everyday.. I could just tell how much pain they were in..

         ..It's like I can feel their agony..

Those who are strong survive.. Those are weak die..

I've heard that phrase too many times. I'm sick of hearing it.. Everytime that phrase is said, I clench my fist and restrain myself from snapping. Sometimes I clench my fist so hard my hand bleeds..

  ..That's how angry I am.. I once popped a vein when I watched as my people got killed..

..That samachurl.. he was lucky..
                                     ..I hope it stays that way..

There are those who can't bear any more pain. Then there are those who try to live through it.

The ones who don't want to live such a terrible afterlife.. do something called.. offing themself.

There was the view of a cliff. A hilichurl of Pyro was seen walking towards the edge. You could see it look down for a minute, before it looked out at the view. All of a sudden, it's body would fall forward, and fell off the cliff in silence.

   Down.. and down.. it went..




  ..Most people identify it as suicide.

But.. then again, those who are afraid to die try to live. Even then, you would find those people hiding in crevices, dark places.. Where they couldn't be seen..

Until I met you // Kaeya x ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now