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Kiromi is a human mix of an adepti. You could also call her a vampire. She has to drink people's blood to get stronger. It's why she's very strong, and is why she's lived for around 500-550 years. She can regenerate, and that's why she didn't die by Kaeya's kick. The way to kill her would be to chop up her core. It's hidden somewhere in her body.

"Yes.. It is you.." Kiromi's head had fully healed. You could see her veins popping out from how angered she was. "Looks like you don't have that damn alchemist with you."

Noelle coughed out. She was lying on the ground. But, she heard what Kiromi had said. Alchemist.. does she mean Mr. Albedo?

"You know him." Kaeya said. He pulled out his sword. His boot was actually covered in blood from when he kicked her.

"How is he even alive? I know that for a fact his heart stopped beating." Kiromi was also upset that Albedo is even here.

"..." Kaeya went silent. It was her..? Kaeya was puzzled when he and Albedo encounter Kiromi the first time. They had a strange conversation that he didn't quite understand.

"Have my victims finally come to haunt me? Is this.. just another omen?"

"I don't know what you're talking about.."

A laugh of insanity emerged. "You're just a ghost.. you have to be.."

Kaeya had just figured it out. Kiromi is the one who ended Albedo's life during the destruction of Khaenri'ah. He never knew, because Albedo was murdered while alone. His expression was shocked, but he was angered at the same time.

"That guy sure put up quite a challenge. I lost my hand when we fought. Good thing he was worn out before me." Kiromi held up her hand, which was a prosthetic. It's also the hand she punched Noelle with, which is why she's in so much pain.

Albedo doesn't know anything about the destruction of Khaenri'ah, since Dainslef didn't want to try recovering those memories. He only knows about the good we had. Kaeya was aware of the current Albedo. That one is a fake.

"You used to live with Albedo, didn't you? You have the eyes. Or.. eye." Kiromi mocked him for having an eyepatch. "I've been wanting to ask.. why you have it." Her voice was eerie, and sinister.

"That isn't necessary." Kaeya said. "You just had your pathetic brain blasted out of your head, and yet you have the audacity to smile at me like some insane psycho?"

"..." Kiromi was caught by surprise, but then she clenched her teeth. "How dare you talk to me like that?"

"You aren't any superior than me. Are you going to cry?" Kaeya mocked her with an evil smile.

Kiromi suddenly launched at him. Her claws were close to slashing his neck, but it was block by Kaeya's ice. They collided, and went into a blast of slashes and clangs, where cryo and anemo was being swirled around.

The two who flying through the air as their weapons kept hitting each other. Suddenly a blast from both launched them, making them land on the roofs of two different buildings.

"Tch." Kiromi scoffed at what Kaeya can do. He's gotten better.. His attacks are fast yet strong, and he does well with close ranged attacks. I need to wear him out just like that alchemist.

She began to launch her robotic tentacles at Kaeya, keeping a distance from him. This might take a while.. This guy's fighting style is a lot better than the other one. Why would he even waste the time trying to train a puny little maid?

Until I met you // Kaeya x ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now