Nightwing's Redemption CH 5

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Nightwing watched Phobia like a hawk as they both sat in the back of the large van that was usually used for transferring inmates in between Arkham Asylum and Blackgate prison. She had both her hands and her feet cuffed which made sense given who she was. Nightwing was sitting opposite to her and in his mind he couldn't help but think about how Bruce was going to kill him when he found out he was letting Phobia take him on this little field trip. But it was like Bruce said earlier, Phobia liked him and he believed that the pair had a mutual respect about them. He also wanted to know a little more about Mercious Doute as well. Phobia wasn't the only one who had compared him to the man. Barbara had said a few times that they had similarities. Gritting his teeth slightly, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy and resentment towards the dead man. Barbara still had not truly gotten over his death and kept a photo of the two of them on her dressing table. While she had told Nightwing time and time again that she was with him because of who he was and not because of the similarities to Mercious, he couldn't help but wonder who she would have chosen if Mercious had lived. He also wondered just what kind of person Phobia would have become if her brother had survived. Sadly, they would never know.

"Penny for your thoughts, Bird Boy?" Phobia mused. She was looking at him with her head tilted, "Has Batman found the next bomb location you gave him?" She asked innocently and Nightwing simply nodded in reply. He had managed to give Bruce the location while he was waiting for the van to arrive and last he heard was that Bruce was en route.

"You know that he's going to find it." Nightwing told her, "You've never beaten Batman before, what makes you think that will change now?" He asked and he couldn't help but make his words sound harsher than he intended.

"I don't want to win." Lilah repeated almost immediately, "You're giving me what I want. I simply needed that leverage to get you to agree to what I want." She explained, rolling her eyes at him, "I thought you were smarter than that..." She mused before frowning to herself, "Oh god... I don't sound like Edie, do I?" She asked more herself that Nightwing who couldn't help but laugh. Unlike the Joker, Phobia did have her funny moments.

"No, you're not as bad as Riddler." He confirmed. "Since we have all this time... can I ask another question?" Nightwing asked and Phobia frowned at him once more.

"You're my captor, you can do as you please, bird boy." She told him. "Ask whatever you want and I may or may not lie to you in response." She smiled lightly.

"What's up with you and Dr. Elliot?" He asked, thinking back to the conversation he had with the man not too long ago. Phobia gave out a sigh,

"We knew each other a long time ago. Went to the same elementary and high school here in Gotham. We were... not the best students that's for sure. We mostly hung out behind the sports shed smoking cigarettes and bitching about our lives. You know, typical teenager behaviour. We lost touch when he went off to medical school and then five years ago he popped back up again in Gotham and we've remained... somewhat on good terms. I wouldn't call us friends anymore, but we have a mutual respect for the past. Let's just call it that." Phobia explained. Not once did her eyes land on Nightwing until she had stopped speaking. Something about Dr. Elliot made Phobia a little touchy and he theorized it had everything to do with the abortion that he had performed on her years ago. 

"I'm sorry about what happened... with the baby... two years ago." Nightwing's eyes were focused on his hands when he spoke but he could still feel Phobia's eyes burning into him as she heard the words.

"Tommy told you, I'm guessing?" She asked seriously and Nightwing simply nodded in response, his eyes moving back up to meet with hers, "Of course he did... It's fine. Jonathan is going to be a terrible father anyway. Say what you want about Floyd, but he's a good dad. He and Zoe are as close as possible given who we are. It's not safe for people to know that she's connected to us. If anything were to happen to her I think I'd end up as messed up as Joker." She somewhat laughed to herself as she spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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