The Intern.

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"Well, thank you for the ride, boys." Lilah grinned, looking over her shoulder at the thugs that followed her into the Asylum, "I think I can handle myself from here on out."

"We've been told not to let you out of our sight." The bigger, brunette man that Lilah worked out to be Freddy said. Now that she thought about it, Freddy was the only one who spoke, the other red-haired man named Adam hadn't spoken the entire time, he just glared at her.

"Well, well, Johnny must be pretty mad to send you two after me, hmm?" The two men remained silent. They more than likely had grown sick of her in the car ride to the Asylum. "I take it you told him about Tommy?" She inquired,

"Dr. Crane told us to inform him about who you were running off too." Freddy spat, narrowing his eyes at her, "You shouldn't run off like that, ya know. I wouldn't want to have to teach you a lesson. If ya know what I mean" He warned her, Lilah returned a sly smile,

"I had no idea I meant so much to dear old Jonathan." She mused. Freddy laughed,

"You think Dr. Crane is just gonna let you run off to your boyfriend all the time?" He grunted at her. Lilah tilted her head,

"Tommy is not my boyfriend. I have been informed that I, in fact, belong to Jonathan." She muttered. "But you know... He's not the only one who can scare somebody to death." This time both men laughed,

"I have seen first hand what Dr. Crane is capable of. I'd rather listen to him than you." Freddy chuckled lightly. Lilah's grin faded- so Dr. Crane had used some of his Fear Gas on her thugs to keep them in line, it wasn't a bad idea, but it did mean that any respect they had for her was long gone. They belonged to Jonathan now and there was no getting them back. Jonathan could say they were a team all he liked, but Lilah knew they were no more then pretty words to keep her by his side. Frowning slightly, her eyes fell to her feet, Thomas was right, Jonathan was bad for her, but she couldn't leave she was in too deep. But she didn't love him, she refused to acknowledge even the possibility in loving him. He was a nothing more then a kid she played games with. Looking back up, not a second later, Lilah crashed into someone, knocking the content they held out of their arms, which scattered across the floor.

"I'm sorry." Lilah rushed, looking around and hurriedly retrieving the objects, which included a clipboard and a series of paperwork and pens.

"It's no problem at all." A high pitched voice came in reply. Looking at the owner of the voice, Lilah set her eyes onto a young blonde woman. She had pale blue eyes and wore her hair up in a tight bun and now that she thought about it, she had a distinct Brooklyn accent. Examining the young woman, Lilah decided that she had to be an intern at Arkham, Handing back the objects, the girl graciously took them back with a smile,

"My name is Lilah Doute." She introduced herself, holding out her hand to the girl who quickly tucked everything under her arm before taking her hand with a broad smile, "Sorry about that, I should have been looking where I was going." She said sheepishly. The woman shook her head with a pleasant smile,

"That's okay! I do it all the time. The name's Harleen Quinzel, but you can call me Harley, everyone does." She added shaking her hand. Lilah returned a broad smile, she didn't care that the two brutes where waiting impatiently for her. They couldn't do anything, not while Harley was watching.

"Harley? It's nice to meet you." Lilah said with a smile, "You're an intern here, I'm guessing?" She asked. Harley nodded,

"My first day in fact." She replied, "I'm pretty excited. There is something about these patients that are just... well... glamorous, ya know?" Lilah smiled, an intern with an interest in how the crazies all think. Maybe if she got to know her better she could become her doctor and help sort out all those things Jonathan did to her. "But anyway, whataya doing here? You're not an intern, are ya?" Lilah shook her head,

"I'm here to see Dr. Jonathan Crane. He is a friend of mine." Lilah explained. Harley nodded enthusiastically,

"I met him this morning. He's the cute one with the eyes?" She grinned, Lilah nodded,

"That's him." Jonathan did have lovely blue eyes, but Lilah would have used 'arrogant' to describe him. Maybe 'the arrogant one with the pretty eyes'? Yes. That was quite an accurate description of her dear Jonathan Crane. Harley smiled,

"He's a looker." She added with a wink.

"It's nothing like that." Lilah giggled in reply. She had to admit, she quite liked this Harleen Quinzel, it had been a long time since she had even spoken to another woman and, not that she would admit this to anyone, Lilah had become quite lonely.

"Are you dating a cute doc, around here?" Lilah asked, "Or even a cute guy in general?" Harley shook her head,

"Nah, the dating scene ain't for me." She said shrugging her shoulders and Lilah noticed her bubbly tone seemed to drop, "I... ah... don't really have friends, actually." Lilah paused, in some ways, she could relate to this woman. Both of them felt like outsiders and both of them were completely and utterly alone,

"I think I know how you feel." Lilah smiled,

"But you still have Dr. Crane." Harley replied as if trying to cheer her up,

"Debatable." Lilah smirked, "He's not the easiest man to get along with. I can assure you that." After a short pause, Harley flashed her a bright smile,

"Well, it was nice to meetcha, but I should probably be going." Lilah returned a smile,

"Perhaps we will meet again."

"I'd like that, Lilah." Harley smiled before rushing past her, looking down at her watch whilst she muttered under her breath about being late again. Watching her go, Lilah couldn't help but chuckle at the strange, blonde woman, whom she hoped to one day meet again.  

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