삼십 ; 30 ; memories.

531 21 4

(short one)


"How are you?" asked the girl whom joshua loved for years when he was in L.A. as a friend of course.

"Im good. How about you? i didn't know your back here." jisoo smiled. he's really happy seeing his bestfriend for how many years.

"Kinda good. My parents flew back to L.A 2 weeks ago for some 'business' they said." she giggled. oh how jisoo misses those. 

while they we're talking, the food came and seokmin immediately munched his burger from annoyance. the other also decided to take a bite from his food while talking to ava.

"by the way, who's this?" she smiled, looking at seokmin. jisoo then got tensed. what should he say? a friend? his boyfriend? he's so confused. if he says seokmin is his boyfriend, she might tell his parent...or might be homophobic and say mean things to them. this is quite problematic for jisoo but no matter what happens, he'll just face it.

"oh this is seokmin. my.. my boyfriend." jisoo said while looking at seokmin who had a shock and red face. seokmin then started coughing and jisoo gave him a drink. seokmin washed all of the food that was in his mouth and panted. looking at jisoo who was worried.

 seokmin was getting butterflies from his stomach and wanted to explode. he didn't expect jisoo to say that. though he was thankful but seokmin know's that this is all fake. they're only pretending anyways. thingking of that makes seokmin sad but his mind is filled with too much question for now.

"boyfriend? you're gay?" Ava asked, kinda shocked. catching jisoo's attention. she didn't expected jisoo to be gay. its just, he never told her about this that made her a little bit upset.

"w-why? are you againts it.." jisoo asked, kinda unsure and scared.

"no, im not homophobic. but why didn't you tell me about this? its upsetting you know." Ava pouted. seokmin almost gagged when he saw that. 

'disgusting.' seokmin rolled his eyes.

"i was afraid, thinking how you would react. but anyways lets not talk about that. how about you and xander?" ava's mood slightly went down. just mentioning his name makes her sick.

"oh him. we broke up like 9 months ago because i realized that he is not the person who i really love but my friend.." ava said while looking directly at jisoo's eyes. it made jisoo sad but seokmin is sadder. what if the friend she's talking about was jisoo? what will happen to him? thinking that makes him sad and sick.

"oh, who is this friend?" jisoo asked, trying to cheer his friend up.

'its you dumbass.' thought seokmin who just sighed and checked the time. it was 8:51 and the movie was about to start. he coughed when ava was about to talk.

"uhm sorry to interrupt your chitchat but me and jisoo still have some business to do. if you wouldn't mind, we'll get going." seokmin said in a very intimidating voice. jisoo was taken aback from seokmin not mentioning hyung with his name. 

"oh, its fine. can i get your number josh? so we can contact each other." ava smiled while jisoo nodded, giving her his number.

"bye ava!" jisoo said waving good bye at the girl who smiled and did the same thing. once they we're out, seokmin was not saying anything but kept on walking. they we're walking away from the direction where they were supposed to go.

jisoo realized that the direction they're  walking  to was the restroom. seokmin got inside and so did jisoo. they were the only people inside when seokmn pulled jisoo into one of the stalls that has a big space.

he pinned jisoo to the wall and locked him in his arm. jisoo looked at the younger who was fuming in jealousy.

"you do not know how annoyed i am right now." seokmin said in a low voice, tracing his fingers from jisoo's jaw to his chin. leaving the older in terror.

"s-seok we can talk this o-out.." jisoo said while stuttering. seokmin then smirked.

"why talk when you can make up to me.. now?" seokmin said, still smirking while keeping the cold tone. he then brought his face to jisoo's neck, inhaling his scent while licking and kissing his skin making jisoo whimper.

"o-okay, what should i do to make you f-feel better?" jisoo was getting distracted by the small kisses he was recieving. seokmin stopped and faced jisoo, leaning in as they feel each other's hot breath.

"kiss me."

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