fuck buddy.

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June 3 2023 around 2:00 am

                 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐀 𝐉. ♕

𝐅uck me.

The blond mess currently snuggled right on top of my naked body is the only thing keeping me from getting up and getting the hell out of this estate.

That and the fact that he looks beautifully peaceful on top of my stomach.

Gently passing my hand through his now dried hair im reminded of our moment in the shower a few hours ago. After we fucked he washed both me and himself down, picked me up and layed me down on the bed. And we just slept, like a couple does, except that we weren't a couple. And no matter how good he felt with me and how right it seemed i couldn't. Mixing sex and work, doesn't end well.

Sighing to myself i slowly remove my legs from under him while also slightly lifting him up, carefully as to not wake him up i get dress and leave the room not before kissing him on the temple ,whispering;
« Fuck, i'm sorry, Valentino. »


June 3 2023 around 6:30 am

Waking up to an empty bed was worrying,
yes, but going around looking for Amor and finding no trace of her to make shit worse her cars where gone and my gardes reported that no one left or entered unauthorized after us.

Checking the cameras around my mansion i see Amor and another man pass the gates and go to my garage, where i had initially parked her porsche and she had parked her benz. A feeling of... betrayal maybe? came over me. Knowing i had no right to feel the way i did i shook it off. Last night when we came in i let my gardes know that access to the gates, main doors and garage where allowed to her. And i somewhat expected her to leave, that's why i let them know in advance to let her go when ever she wanted to, but what i didn't expect her to do was to bring another man in my estate. She could've taken anything, any car but she didn't and i'm grateful for that but she brought in another man into my place after we had sex? Straight out disrespectful.

Needing to blow out some steam before i went to her office to talk, i get into my Infinity and drive down to my private gym, on i owned.


« Anthon? » i ask, remembering Amoryia mentioning him last time i came by her office, the somewhat familiar man at his desk propped outside of Amoryia's office looks at me with a judgmental look.

« Valentino. » He answers back with a cold tone. What did i do to him?

« Mr. Caruso, to you. » i correct him in an equally cold tone. « I'm here to see Amoryia. »

« I don't think she'll want to see you anytime soon and she's currently busy. » he informs.

« I wasn't asking i was letting you know, Anthon. » i state, making my way calmly to her office door.

« Yes Anthon?, ah Valentino.» she clears her  throat. « whatever the fuck happened to knocking » she mutters

« But if i was Anthon i wouldn't of had to right? who is this Anthon guy anyway, i mean shit he must be more than just your assistant if you brought him to my place in the middle of the night after we had sex. » I ask with a slightly raised tone.

« Does he know that? Does J know your fucking both your assistant and your coworker? » i say

During all this time she's quiet, observing, listening.

« Valentino » She says « Yesterday was a mistake, i was tense, as you know my apartment got burned down i was under a lot of stress i needed something to take my mind of things, you happened to be there. It meant nothing. As for Anthon, he is none, and i emphasize on none of your business. J is my boss and nothing more. »

She used me. She's like the rest.

« Is that why you have a chain with his initial on it? Is that why you've got his sign on your arm? Is that why you have A x J tattooed on your neck, hm? Because he's nothing but your boss? » i retort, by know she can tell i'm pissed.

« You have no right to be jealous, Valentino » She says.

« Jealous? Is that what tou think i am? No » I say with a disgusted look on my face. « i feel disrespected. I take care of you, offer you a safe space to sleep the night, we end up fucking and you bring your other fuck buddy down to my place to pick you up? I'm not jealous, i'm more disappointed than anything. I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow Amoryia. Goodbye. » i say, turning around and leaving her office.

Walking over to Anthon's desk putting my gun to his temple; « Stay the fuck away from her, do your job, nothing more. »

« Or else? » He reply's with a smug look.

I say nothing, just turning off the safety on my gun before pushing it harder into the side of his head, sure to leave a mark.

                       𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐀 𝐉. ♕

Well damn.

Definitely did not expect angry/jealous
Valentino to be this attractive.

But fuck he was right, i had a meeting set for tomorrow evening, with most of my american clients including him. I would've remembered if Anthon's incompetent ass was doing his job correctly instead of obsessing over our new alliance with Caruso.

Valentino wasn't completely wrong tho, i did at some point date Anthon wich is how i know not to ever mix sex and work again . But i couldn't fire him, he knew to much, he knew about J. And it's not like i could just get ride of him because he was my first love, the first ever man after the death of my parents that i could relate to. He was there during my moments of weakness. If not for him i don't know if i'd even be alive right now. His father was my father's only friend so naturally me and Anthon grew to be hella close. Fuck he was like a brother to me, all it took was one night, i was vulnerable i needed someone, he was there, we fucked and a whiles later he asked to be my boyfriend.
He helped me build this J persona, i owed him my life.

Even if we aren't together anymore i know he still has feelings for me and some times i take that for granted which should disgust me but it's whatever.

I did it, against my will i made him loose feelings for me in one night,but it's fine, i could handle an angry Valentino, not a lust smithing Valentino. If him hating me was what it took for me to stay concentrated on my drug cartel then it's just gonna have to stay like that.

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐨 𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 | +18 |Where stories live. Discover now