Señor, Señora.

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9:45 pm the day of their engagement.

𝐓he day of the engagement party.

« Amoryia can you stop looking at our guest like you are about to murder them. »

« I will end up murdering them if this they don't stop staring dagger at you and basically eye raping you while i'm right fucking besides you. »

« Want me to do something about it? »

« No... Your useless. » I mumble under my breath crossing my arms like a kid having argument with their parent.

Chuckling lowly, he turns towards me so i'm facing him before tipping my head up, capturing my lips in his. The kiss being one of possessiveness, i smirk into the kiss knowing what he was playing on to, i raise my hand up holding onto the collar of his maroon coloured suite pulling him closer and allowing his tongue to explore mine, i slowly open my mouth.

By this point our guest should understand whose engagement party it is.

Valentino dips even lower into the kiss bringing his hands down to my ass, massaging it as he does so. Putting my hand to his cheek i pull away whispering into his ear; « Your parents will walk through that door any second and i don't want them to see their son grabbing onto my ass for dear life. »

Without an answer he dips his head pecking me on the forehead. Recognizing the image of an older couple walking through the gates hand in hand i turn to them smiling.

« They're here Amoryia... » He says in an expecting tone.

Yeah no fucking shi- oh... OH.

« Oh fuck no i'm not having small talk with your parents. »

« Come one belleza they like you. » He pleads lowly.

Sighing i straighten up my beautiful brown dress as it got lightly mess up after our little fun time. Valentino slaps my ass as i leave him behind, rolling my eyes and heading towards the gates where his parent stood talking with a younger darkskin couple.

« Señor, Señora. » I adresse them in my first language as i stretch my hand out for a shake.

« My daughter. » Valentinos mom, Rosa, invites me in for a hug instead. Not knowing how to politely decline i accept it, taking in the lovely aroma of roses her clothes and even hair where emitting.

« Welcome to the family Mrs Caruso. » His father smiles looking at me while patting me on the shoulder.

What a fucking lie.

I'm still J deep down and i'll forever be Amoryia J black. Though the thought of being the only person knowing that, apart from my best friend and other friend currently hospitalized, is eating me alive.

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐨 𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 | +18 |Where stories live. Discover now