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Three light, back to back, knocks coming from my door pulls my attention away from my work.

Checking my camera i see her standing with both her hands behind her back as she looks around the hallway curiously.

Deciding if i should tell her it's open or rather go to the door my self i choose the latter. Closing the tabs on my mac i pull out from the desk, walking the distance between it and the door.

Opening it, i looks down at her, « Hmm? »

Instead of answering me all she does in return is stare, long and hard at every part of my face, my features and my height before her eyes get caught on my waist band region where she could be looking at one of two things.

Pulling out my hand gun i lay it on a tablet near the door, watching as she eyes snap back up to mine.

« Carlo looks a lot like you. » Hearing her say our sons name for the first time shouldn't hurt the way it does.

Chuckling i answer. « He's my son, i'd hope so. »

« Oh. » She gives me a soft but fake smile.

I know her real smile, i can't erase it from my mind, ever. Even if i wanted to.

"He's our child mama."

Is all i wanted to say, yet i couldn't. She must not of seen herself or she would've known Carlo was ours, he's a perfect mix of both of us.

« You uhh wanna come in? » I don't know what to say at this point but all of a sudden i wanted to be around her all the time, be there for her this time the way i should've been the first time around.

« Sure. » Her response dry.

I step a side waiting for her to take few steps before closing the door behind us.

As soon as she hears a lock sound she spins around cautiously looking at me like i'd just lock her in a room with the devil.

« Amor, it's alright the doors unlock with your fingerprints already you can leave whenever you'd please. » I explain bringing out my hand nodding at her to put hers in mine.

Reluctantly she settles it, her hand visibly more fragile than mine. Bringing her thumb to the handle a small circle turns green and another lock sound is made.

Looking back up at me, something different swirling in her eyes and this time it's not alarm.

« It only has our fingerprints, Amoryia. »

« I like it when you call me Amor. » She admits pulling her hand out of mine.

« Really? cause you use to hate it. » I can't stop the grin from forming and on my face as i make my way to my bed, her following behind me not knowing where else to go.

« How'd you do that ? » She asks as we both settled on the edge of the bed.

« About a month after we met i had sent your finger prints to all my estates to have them installed as well as facial recognition, shit like that so you'd have easy access when we travel. »

« We were that close? » She mutters, surprise lacing her words.

I smirk, if only she knew. Continuing to scroll through my camera roll i search for pictures of her and i, some that didn't quite scream "we just had sex." but pictures that showed us being close enough friends, also hiding all the nudes of her suppressing the feelings in my stomach as i came across pictures of her with or without lingerie.

She seemed to pay no mind as she looked around the room probably questioning why everything was so dark in here.

« There. » i hand her my phone, the album i had quickly made, on full display.

Some pics, just us and others with alessio, imani her and i. She seems to remember imani up until the point where they met me.

I also avoided showing pictures of her pregnant, afraid of how she take it. I don't want to mess this up, this might be my chance to start over and i'll do it right.

Giggling as i told her the story behind one of the videos, she practically throws herself, back first on my bed, holding her stomach.

My smile widening as i add detail to that night, reminding myself how much fun we had.

« Fuckk, and then she did what? » She says breathily as she wipes a tear from her eye.

« She said something along the lines of people like you shouldn't be allowed on the road. » I say imitating her bronx accent .

« She was that mad? » Asking from her lying down position.

« Mhhm. » I hum looking down at her, trying to not look like i want to devour her smiling lips despite the fact that i very much do.

The video she clicked on showed us in my Aston Martin cutting up in traffic with loud music playing in the background before ending up at a stoplight and some random lady yelling at us through her car window.

As she scrolls deeper, still lying down, sort of under me, as i have my hand above her head and am leaning over her, i finally get a glimpse of her plum coloured lips. Stifling back a laugh she says; « Damn we look like we spent every hour of the day together. »

I open my mouth to say something, anything and the only thing i can think of is spilling all the continents of my mind. I want to remind her of how good she felt around me, how much she'd beg for it again, and again. How i'd make her moan and scream my name and how good i made her feel.

Snapping out of my daze realizing i was about to get hard just at the thought of us together i clear my throat knowing she probably noticed me staring at her lips.

Fuck is wrong with me.

We spent the next hour talking about our life most of if was cut out considering i couldn't exactly tell her about our sex life and despite trying my best i doubt she thinks we where just friends. I refused to answer any questions regarding my baby mom, which initially lead her to think she had beef with her or maybe she was just a bad mother.

She's a smart girl and i could only hold it for so long, she'll find out on her own sooner or later that Carlo was ours.

« Valentino? » Her voice soft.

I miss how she used to say my name, the hint of sarcasm and annoyance. No doubt i love the way she says my name anyway, no matter how she said it but there's something about how she'd always say it that drove me insane.

« Yes? »

« It's getting late and you look tired. »

I join her lying down on the bed beside her but facing the ceiling. « It is isn't it. »

« Hmm. » She answers yawning. « I should go, 'mani told me you where planing on flying us back to New York? I don't want to keep you up. » She says already heading towards the door.

« Yeah... » i mutter high enough for her to hear knowing i could stay up all night just talking.

Hearing the door unlock and lock i let go of a long and uneven breath.

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐨 𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 | +18 |Where stories live. Discover now