a brother.

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« 𝐓ake care of them! » An elderly lady grins at Aiden, commenting as she passed us in the pregnancy test iles.

As we both burst out laughing loudly i pick a few tests and reply; « People in NYC can't mind their business for shit. »

« I noticed. » he smiles taking the tests from my hands as we walk towards the cashier.

« You haven't been here for h long, huh? » i ask, the curiosity taking over my thoughts.

« Only for about 3 month's, she brought me here. » he sighs.

Huming i decide to not push any further. Knowing i'd end up with the full story sooner or later.

« Your still limping. » i smirk noticing his stance.

« Yeah no thanks to your boyfriend. » He comments chuckling.

« Are you going to tell him? » he asks changing the subject.

« About J? Well not anymore... » my thoughts immediately going back to our argument a few days ago.

« No. » He chuckles. « The baby, you dumbass. »

i strate at his back for a moment, my eyes training on the flow of his long dreads.

« Oh. » i pause, taken aback by his question. « What he doesn't know won't hurt him. » I wave of the subject.

As i finish my sentence Aiden halts infront of me causing me to bump into him. Groaning i look at him with a puzzled expression. « Nigga, what is wrong with you »

Turning around he scans my face intently before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. « I would want to know. » He pauses before following up with; « If that baby was mine i would want to know... regardless of your decision to keep it or not, you should tell him. »

« Aiden, he doesn't and wouldn't care- »

Shaking his head he asks; « you think because you had an argument once that he just stopped caring? »

« It's like your the only person who doesn't see how he looks at you. » he scoffs.

« You've been here for a day- not even what have you seen. »

« A lot, trust, and shit... some of which i wish i hadn't seen. » He remarks while scratching the back of his neck.

Arriving at the cashier he lays the test down at the counter as the lady openly and shamelessly gawks at him. Her eyes landing on the tests she finally acknowledges my presence. Why the fuck does everyone assume we're together because he's buying me pregnancy test!! He could very well be my brother for fuck sake.


Walking back into the mansion laughing to the point where i felt like i was finna piss myself, i almost tripe on my own feet before Aiden catches me by holding onto my shoulders as he did his fair share of laughing. I don't even remember what we were laughing about, i just remember the bond i felt was building between him and i one i've never quite felt before.

Going into the main floors guest bathroom i turn around closing the door 3/4s of the way peeping my head trough the crack, winking at him and saying. « You'll be the first to know. »

As he smiles leaning against the wall i fully shut the door. My anxiety suddenly flaring up, despite already knowing i was pregnant i stare blankly at the test not knowing where or how to start. Picking up the baby blue coloured one i rip open the packaging not bothering to read the instructions and with a shaky hand i pick up the small cup the test provided and... you know i did my business...

𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐨 𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 | +18 |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin