v - Tomlinson

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V – Tomlinson     

If you think that all an editor does is sit behind a desk and read stuff, then you're wrong. The past two weeks of being an editor has been so bloody hectic. Two weeks of being constantly on the go. But then again, I love my job, every second of it. I even have a bloody secretary now. I don't make her do petty shit like making her fetch lunch for me or a tea, but it feels great to know that I have one.

No, I haven't fucked her. Although a blind guy could tell just by hearing her, that the woman is the epitome of sexy. Long tanned legs, perky boobs, blonde hair, blue eyes; I would be crazy to not want her. But as I've mentioned earlier, it is unprofessional to fuck people who work with you, it would make work very awkward. And there's someone who's been living on my mind for the past two weeks, and it's almost impossible to think about someone else.

Aurora Atkins.

The images of that wonderful weekend seems to be fucking tattooed in my brain. Everything about her demeanor screams cute; even that bloody nest on top of her head that she calls a bun. I keep thinking that the work load will eventually take my mind off of her, but I'm proven wrong, always.

Her face would pop inside my head at random times and that addictive smell of jasmines and vanilla is fucking imprinted inside my head. I don't mean to say that she's the prettiest woman I've ever seen, but fuck, is she beautiful! That damned doe-eyes, her laugh, her smile... shit! I sound pathetic, don't I?

Well I feel pathetic.

I even considered asking Harry for her number and try the friends-with-benefits. I was that desperate. But the smarter side of me reminded how stupid it was. Aurora was like a sip of hot tea; her presence, however short it may have been, was like a breath of fresh hair. In the past two years that I've lived in my flat, it had just been a place to eat, sleep, and watch TV and fuck. Her sauntering around the tiles, sitting on the counter, laying lazily on the carpet, singing in the shower (Yes, she showered at my place that day), it all made it seem more like home for that short day. I wonder if she i-

There's this knock on the door interrupting my chain of thoughts. I quickly sit straight on my chair and clear my throat, "Come in."

The door half opens to my secretary standing there holding a stack of papers; black high-waisted skirt, perfectly showing off her curves, a white dress-shirt with the top two buttons undone and damn that cleavage. Wait a second; I could swear that she had only one button opened this morning. Did she just open another button before walking in? Hmm.... Maybe she's trying to seduce me.

What? I do not stare at my secretary's chest on a regular basis; it was just something that happened to catch my attention.

Her eye-brows are quirked up with that cynical smile. Did she just catch me checking her out? Well, it wasn't my fault.

Aurora... the name rings at the back of my head out of the blue and the image of her standing in my kitchen wearing my white Henley and football shorts flashes my vision.

I shake my head, focusing back on the sexy lady before me. "Sir," she says slowly walking to me, "Mr. Rhonson  was looking for you. And I got these papers photocopied as you asked," she gestured to the stack of papers on her hand before bending a bit to place them on the table. Does she really have to bend that muc-

Shit! That cleavage.

I look up, my focus completely on her eyes, trying my best not to look down. The name Aurora once again snaps my senses, ticking me off. Damn! I really need to forget about her. It was a onetime thing and I'm fucking stuck on it. I'd do anything to get her out of my head.

"Sir." My head snaps to the source of the sound. I must have zoned out. My answer is right here standing in front of me. I need to move forward. Maybe Rory is stuck in my head because I haven't had sex with anyone else after her. Yeah, that's what it is. I don't even care if it's unprofessional. Right now, I'm too fucking desperate to get my head straight.

"Sir!" she yells making me jump. Did I zone out again?

"Yeah?" My voice sounds meek, barely audible.

"I said can I help you with anything else?"

"N-No. Amanda," I clear my throat before I continue, "I was wondering if you were free tonight."

+ + + + + + + + + +

I groan at the shrill sound that just woke me up from my deep slumber. The sound keeps ringing. I stretch hands to find my phone only to that it's the doorbell. The sound is now giving a headache. ARGH!

I lift my head only to find a mop of golden hair sprawled on the other side of the bed. Amanda...

Do I regret last night? A little. I mean, it would certainly affect things at work. But it was an amazing night nonetheless.

The ringing doorbell grabs my attention once again, making me curse and slip out of the duvet. I hurriedly pull my boxers on followed by my sweatpants and then rush to the door. I know I'm shirtless, but I'm still half asleep and it's too early. I mean, it's 9:30 in the morning, but still too early for a Saturday morning.

I lazily unlock the door, swinging it open. Rubbing my eyes to get rid of some sleep, I look u—

All air is knocked out from my lungs and the sleep is vanished when I see the person standing on the other side. My eyes widen... it's not just the fact that she's here, it's how she looks right now. Tousled hair, red and swollen eyes, tear-stains on her cheeks... she's wearing a grey sweater and a pair of boyfriend jeans with car-keys dangling between her fingers.

For a moment, we just stand there... staring at each other.

"Aurora..." I'm finally able to utter her name.

She sniffs, wiping below her eyes with her sleeves. "Louis," her voice cracks, "We need to talk."


Do you qualify that as a cliff-hanger? I dunno, maybe.

Okay well, I know this one was short. I promise the ones that follow will be longer.

See you on Thursday. Ta-ta

Nivi XX

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