XXV - Tomlinson

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XXV - Tomlinson

She is gasping for air, basking in the aftermath of our recent escapades and I watch her chest rise and fall with each heaving breath as her skin glistens with a small sheen of sweat coating her features.

Her eyes shine in the dim light with the natural flush making her face glow just like whenever she smiles, laughs or even looks at me. Right now, after she's still coming down from her high, she's practically glowing like a beacon of all things good in the world. Her lips are soft and pink as they curve into a gentle smile.

"Hi," she turns to me, that childish smile adorning her beautiful face.

My hands reach out for her cheeks, thumb lightly brushing over her lower lip. "Hey,"

She places her hand atop mine which was resting on her cheek and pulls it over to her lips, leaving a small peck on my palm. The simple gesture seems to make my heart pound like a galloping horse inside my chest and I am in awe of this beautiful woman.

I never thought it was possible to become completely in awe of another human being. To be at the point of absolute admiration over everything about them, and over everything they do.

I then place both hands on her waist and pull her closer, close enough to put our foreheads together, noses bumping occasionally; with my arms wrapped around her waist and her hands resting on my bare chest.

I stretch my neck a bit to trap her bottom lip between mine and that's it. I don't care what is happening around me, I don't care where we are, what time it is, or what I need to be doing. Right now, there's nothing more important than kissing Aurora Atkins.

I don't even care that I'm falling too hard, too fast. Her, with that beautiful smile and that laugh that resonates through my bones, I don't think that I have any other choice.

We keep kissing... slow... passionate... sloppy. My hands roam around her bare back and hers tug to my hair; for some reason, she seems to like doing that a lot and I'm not complaining. We only break apart when both our lungs are screaming for air and we start heaving.

"I'd better leave." She sits up , "It's getting late." She starts looking around for her clothes but before she could stand up, I wind my arms around her torso to make her stay put.

"Rory..." I whine and she giggles at my childish antiques, oh how much I love that laugh. "I want you to stay."

"But Louis-"

"I respect your decision and everything, but can't you just stay and cuddle?"

What the fuck is happening to me? I was never the guy who'd want to 'cuddle' I was never the guy who'd want to spend time with anyone. But somehow with Rory, that's exactly what I want and much more.

The momentary silence tells me how she's contemplating her choices. Just to make her budge a little more, I sit behind her and bring her into my chest, her bare back against my bare torso, and lower my head to the crook of her neck peppering small kisses all around her skin.

"Please baby," I mumble against her skin, "I swear you won't regret it."

She leans into me, head resting against my shoulder and I keep nipping her soft skin, letting my senses enthral in the beautiful smell of vanilla that seems to seep off of her skin. My hand has a firm hold on her waist, fingers tracing a delicate pattern on the skin.

"Fine." She mumbles, hands reaching out for my hair. Her fingers quickly tangle through the strands of my hair and tug at it.

I detach my lips from her skin, unable to contain the smirk at my victory. "So, you'll stay?"

Work In Progress |L.T| |A.U|Where stories live. Discover now