VI - Atkins

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VI – Atkins 

Looks like things are finally taking a good turn. It's been two weeks since I met him and yesterday I got this email that they'd accepted my job application in a company and today I'd have to come for an interview. I just hope that I get this job, I desperately need it.

I'm dressed in a blue sundress and a cardigan with my hair let out as I wait in the lobby. My hands are fidgety and my feet are shaking with anxiety. It's been four years since I gave my last interview, I don't think I still have it in me.

I was too indulged in self-pity and loathing when I got fired, and after the weekend with Louis, I finally started looking for new jobs. I took a few days to make a CV, but this is the only place I've applied so far, and it responded, must've been a good CV.

Last month was entirely like a storm; getting dumped, fired, the weekend with him, it was all like a storm. When you come out of a storm, you won't be the same person who walked in, that's the whole point of a storm. I believe that I am now stronger, more determined, more focused, I know that I need to prove my worth wherever I work next. So that whenever they have cuts, they know that an environmental lawyer is in fact very important.

"Miss Atkins." A feminine voice calls out, making me snap my head up. A woman wearing high waisted skirt, a button up shirt and a bun looks at me with a tight-lipped smile. I wonder if I'll have to wear such uptight clothes if I get hired. "You are called in." I nod quickly standing up before I grab my bag.

Breathe... Rory... Breathe... you are a strong, confidant woman, and you are going to ace this.

I walk to the door gestured by the lady earlier and just stand there. I just need to smooth my dress and run my finger through my hair a couple times. When I'm done delaying the inevitable I finally knock and wait for an answer. On hearing a subtle 'come in' I twist the doorknob and push it open.

"Ah! Aurora! Come in, have a seat." The middle aged man looked humble with a fading hair-line and slightly grey hair that reminds me of my father. The image instantly puts me at ease making me smile at him. I didn't realize how much I miss my old man. I walk my way over to the chair across him and seat myself, placing my bag on the floor beside me.

He opens the drawer taking out a stack of papers and starts flipping through. "Your CV was very impressive Miss Atkins and I also did some research in the last place you worked at." He places the paper on the table, finally looking at me with a kind smile, "I'm pretty impressed. The interview was just a formality, welcome to our company." I can't help but gasp; he chuckles pushing the stack of papers towards me, "Here are the details."

There's this face-splitting grin on my face. I thank him multiple times holding the paper. I'm not unemployed anymore!"

I quickly start flipping through the pages, reading the claws carefully when something on the last page catches my attention.

"Is there a problem, Miss Atkins?" He must have noticed the frown on my face.

"Sir, the salary I was mentioned before and the one written here is different." I answer, "This one is almost seventy-five percent lesser." I look at him, expecting an answer.

He rests his elbows on the desk and looks at me with a firm expression. "Aurora, the salary included in the description was set by my assistant. But since I realized you are a woman, it seemed fitting to offer you this salary."

And suddenly the man, who reminded me of my dada, now reminds me of Satan's pawn.

"And sir," I try to keep my voice as calm as I can, "Would you please tell me why the fact that I have a vagina instead of a dick implies that I get paid less?"

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