XXI - Tomlinson

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XXI - Tomlinson

Maybe I'm just perpetually bitter, or maybe I simply despise Zayn Malik's existence, whatever it is, it's making this need to kill the guy grow stronger by the second.

I know he has done nothing to deserve it, he seems like a nice, down to earth kinda guy; but something about him makes me hate his guts and I just can't happen to avoid it.

I cannot help it, fury burns in my veins when I see him hugging her the way I hugged her once in my office. And it's even worse when she accepts to go on a date with him. Jealousy is eating me from the inside and I clench my fists so tight my nails sink into my flesh leaving a mark on my skin.

Yes, I've admitted that it's jealousy. I've realised there's no point in lying to myself anymore. I'm jealous of Zayn. I dunno if I'm jealous because he is a rich fucker, or he has the world at his feet, or Rory's parents adore her or she adores her.

And the fact that she said she still loves him loud and clear, it's just adding up to the jealousy.

Hell she looked out of this world today, so fucking beautiful; and I couldn't even say it to her. The words were all over my head, she looked breathtaking, I had to mentally slap myself to get away from the unholy thoughts I was having, but all I could muster was a simple complement and I could clearly see the disappointment on her features.

I was being so pathetic, sitting on the couch, watching that sitcom she likes, about how some dude met someone's mother or something. To be honest I wasn't paying much attention. From the very first day that we met, the girl has been acting like a leech on my head and clung so tightly, I don't even try to get her out anymore, I've given up and I know there's no use of fighting it.

When I realised how much of a pussy I was being, sitting there and sulking, I decided to go back to my room. I was bored but I couldn't sleep, the restlessness keeping sleep at bay. I kept thinking of what the two must be doing and just thinking of that perfect twat around Rory makes my blood curdle.

I was replying to some emails on my phone when I hear the door opening. They must be back. I think of going outside and make my presence known, but decide otherwise, I'd rather not interrupt their date. That is until I heard Zayn's voice.

"I want you back Rory," I heard Zayn's voice ring through the flat. His words made me stop whatever I'd been doing and I move towards my door, pressing my ears against the wooden door.

I know eavesdropping isn't particularly a good deed, but I had to, the bitterness looming inside me is just too much to ignore.

That's when I hear it all. I hear how he admits he was a jerk when they broke-up; how he still loves her and how badly he wanted the two of them get together. And I'm scowling the whole time, stopping myself from storming over and telling the little fucker to fuck off.

I wish that was all if heard, but no. I heard her speaking, I heard her say how no matter what, the douche would always have a space in her heart, that no matter what happened, he'd always be in her heart.

I'll be honest here, it sucked, and it sucked to hear her say those things. The jealousy I had was quickly morphing into anger. Anger at what? I don't know.

I knew, standing there with that awful bitterness bubbling inside of me that no matter how hard I'm fighting it, I couldn't do casual with her and that she deserves so much more than that.

I stand still, ears pressed to the door waiting for someone to say something, I wait for quite a while but neither of them seem to at anything.

Curiosity gets the best of me and I just open the door and step out, and boy do I wish I hadn't.

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