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So this is the last one. I just have a small request for you all. If you're using the app to read this, please comment as you read. This is the last one and I'd love to know what you guys were thinking as you read. I am very sorry if the story didn't go like you guys wanted it to. But life isn't a wish granting factory. ;)


It was almost three and he was late; very, very late. He could only image the horror he'd have to face when he got there if he couldn't make it.

But there wasn't a way out. His meeting got stretched way longer than he'd predicted and the London traffic was being absolutely horrid. Restless would've been an understatement. He needed to get there.

Clenching and unclenching fists, tapping foot, eyes restlessly dancing around the place, he was cursing on everything that he saw; the stupid cars, the useless traffic, the moronic editors who just couldn't come to a bloody conclusion. Time was moving far too slow than he'd have liked. He'd be breaking all speed limits had the road been clear enough, but the never-ending succession of cars that were before him told him otherwise. Perfect.

After countless curses muttered under his breath for lord knows how long, his car was finally parked. Not wasting another second, he jumped out, throwing the keys at the valet. He couldn't remember the last time he'd ran so fast, with his legs aching and lungs burning. But he had to get there, he couldn't disappoint her, he couldn't disappoint them. He didn't even bother looking at his watch to see how much time he had, it would be wasting a fraction of the time he had, so he just ran.

Up the stairs, through the corridors and then he was standing in front of the large door that lead to the hall. When the door was flung open, he was heaving like a mad man. He isn't as young as he used to be once and he knew he'd be having a hard time with his back later in the evening.

"Hazel Atkins!"

The crowd roared with applauses, the dim-lit theatre radiated with awe and wonder as the spot-light focused on her. She walked through the stage and stood right on the middle, the mike stand in her hand. The crowd was silent, not a word uttered, they were scared one sound of theirs would muffle hers and they wouldn't be able to hear her.

Louis couldn't bother to find a seat, he just stood there and watched his little girl excel. Proud would be an understatement.

He could feel his heart pounding, surging with love and pride as he saw his girl mesmerizing the crowd. She had the talents of both her father and her mother. She had a knack for words like her dada and felt for things deeply like her mum and combine those two, she did stage performances all around; spoken poetry, they call it.

Her eyes... those eyes that looked just like Rory's. One look at them and he could feel himself falling all over again, like he was twenty-three all over again. Sometimes it pained him, brought so many memories back, but they were her eyes, how could he not fall for those wondrous, amazing eyes...

Her eyes shone as she spoke, voice filled with passion, her animated gestures keeping the entire crowd tongue-tied, mesmerized.

"So take a step back," her voice echoed, "Look at yourself. You are human. You are beautiful. You are so beautiful and you can be anything. Do not hate anyone because they broke your heart, or because your parents split up, or your best-friend betrayed you, your father hit you, the kid down the street called you fat, ugly, stupid, worthless. Do not concern yourself with the things you cannot control. Forget things that aren't worth remembering. Stop taking things for granted. Live for something. Live for yourself. Fall in love. Fall out of love. Do it over and over again till you know what it really is to love someone."

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