XXXVI - Atkins

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I know... I'm sorry. The trekking was hard, and what I wrote while I was on it was crap and I re-wrote it.

XXXVI - Atkins

My fingers continue the circular motion of the small spoon swirling the caramel tea with long dissolved sugar and my eyes stare at the whirlpool in the cup. Beyond annoyed with the throbbing mess of a head atop my shoulders and the burning feeling in my lower back and many more problems that are making my life more and more miserable by the minute. It has been a nightmare of a day so far and I'm very ready for it to end.

"You know it would be really nice if you'd actually look up to the person before you once in a while." His tone is disappointed, like a mother scolding her child.

I sigh in defeat, the spoon slipping from my fingers as I look up to meet his gaze. Liam sips his coffee the beautiful aroma bringing my senses to a swelling rapture. Oh, how miss coffee and how I could use a smoke right now. Stupid pregnancy.

"Lilly, you okay?"

The deep frown etched on his forehead making his concern obvious. "'M fine, it's just the case and everything stressing me out."

"I thought the case was over. Saw it in the news somewhere that the company had to pay a shitload for the CFC deposition." He leans in, eager for my answer.

"I never told you, did I?" The consistent frown on his face is the only answer I need. "I'm fighting a case for a girl who couldn't afford a lawyer." I answer, bringing the Yorkshire tea to my lips. He's gotten me addicted to tea too.

"What's it about?"

"The girl got sexually assaulted and she ended up pregnant." His tightened jaw and clenched fists depict the rage running through him, I'm way past that phase now. All that's left is determination, determination to give her justice. "So she obviously wanted an abortion but the bloody rapist filed a case against her from the jail." I rub my forehead sighing once more at the utter frustration.

"It's an easy case, I'm sure you'd win." He comments his lips once again meeting with the rim of the steaming mug.

"Not if the opposite attorney is a sexist scoundrel." If I continue pressing my teeth with such anger, I'm sure my teeth are going to be ruined.

"Elaborate please."

"Turns out the opposite attorney did a fucking background check on me and accused me of being a hypocrite for appealing an abortion when I'm about to have a baby myself." I run my fingers through my hair, mentally making a memo to schedule an appointment with to the parlour for a haircut. "The girl is going to be reminded of her rapist every time she sees the kid, I know it's not the kid's fault, but it's not even a life yet. If she wants to prevent it, then why not!" I throw my hands in the air in frustration as I slump back on the seat. "And they're calling her a murderer and sorts! How's it a murder when  it's not even a life yet?"

"Woah! Calm down!" He pulls my tea-cup toward him, eyes cautiously fixed on me, "I've got faith in you. Just do what feels right and I know you'll give the girl justice." He smiles, my best-friend knows exactly what to do to put me at ease. "I'm glad you're acting like an actual lawyer for once, not defending pandas."

"Hay!" I crumple a tissue to form a ball and throw it at him, "pandas need saving!" He chuckles, pushing my cup back to me and with a prevailing smile, I sip the tea, exhaling with a relaxed sigh.

"How's the move going?"

And here comes my other problem...

"It's..." I run a hand through my hair, searching for the right words, "Stressful." I finish.

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