XXVI - Atkins

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XXVI - Atkins

I sigh for the hundredth time slumping on the passenger seat.

It's gonna be fine... I don't need to stress out.

I tell myself for the hundredth time taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to come along with him. I would've been more than fine staying home alone and having him go and visit his family alone. But he was just so insistent and I didn't have any other choice except agreeing.

Fuck him and his adorable-ness.

"Stop that." Louis's voice makes me snap my head out of my thoughts and focus on him. "You're getting too nervous. Rory, it doesn't matter." He tells me, eyes focussing on the road.

"But Lou, you can't deny that what we have is so twisted... I... What if your mum hates me?"

"Then I don't care." He says blandly, "I told you, it doesn't matter. Let her think whatever she wants to, all we need to do is be there for my sister for her birthday and be back."

"But it's your family! I can't just-"

"Trust me. You can."

I sigh once again and slump back in my seat. He's impossible.

By now I've learnt that Lou and his mum don't have a healthy relationship, well neither do me and my mum. And that just makes things even more awkward.

He just wants me to come along because he's scared I'll have another panic attack like last time and he won't be there. I appreciate the concern, trust me, I do. It's just the fear of facing the family and to top it all off I know nothing about his family. Nothing except for the fact that he and his mum don't get along and he has two sisters.

Okay, here goes nothing...

"So, d'you want to tell me anything about your home?"

He frowns, humming as he thinks if his answer. "Well I'm from Doncaster, a proper Yorkshire lad."

"Northern, eh? So you're one of those kids."

He smirks, "uh-huh, I'm so northern that I once drank milk directly from a cow's... You know..."

I burst out laughing, throwing my head back and clapping my hands and everything. The mental picture of Louis eating milk directly from a Cow's nipples being too much to handle.

"You're kidding." I actually snort, but try to hide it with another giggle.

"No honestly, my grandad was milking the cows they had and I was just standing there when he told me to scoot beside it and open my mouth and he just sprayed it into my mouth."

We both start laughing loudly, the car resonating with the sound of our bellowing laughter and I've never felt more lighter. These moments... these moments of utter bliss spent with him... it makes me feel so much better about this whole situation we're in.

The silence on the car that follows is a comfortable silence. Soft music playing through the speaker.

My flats are left open thrown under the passenger seat and my feet are pulled up with my knees tucked under my chin as I lean on the door with my gaze fixed on him.

He drives with such ease, fingers tapping to the beats as he softly sings the song. I never heard him sing properly before but now that I've heard it, I think his voice is absolutely breathtaking.

His voice is like pretty autumn days, cozy over-sized sweaters, cuddling by the fireplace, pumpkin flavoured drinks and peaceful naps.

I didn't even realise when his soft singing voice lulled me to sleep and before I knew it, I was knocked out.

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