XXXVIII - Atkins

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XXXVIII - Atkins

My body feels tight and compressed , as if I am being pressed from all sides until it is too difficult to breathe. Darkness surrounds me and I blink furiously, desperate to see through he oppressive blackness that has overcome my vision. It is cold, very cold. The chill settles down to my bones, making me feel brittle and shaky all at once. Strange moisture hangs in the air and the odd metallic taste that lingers, triggers the unwelcome taste in my mouth.


Fear spikes through my system and my hands subconsciously go to the tiny bump in my stomach. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach when I feel how flat it is, just as flat as I was before, before being pregnant. Where is my baby?

A dim yellow light finally falls over me but the source is yet to be known. My heart is hammering in my chest, desperate for a way out before something worse would happen. But it is too late now.


A shrill yell echoes causing my entire being to shake. My eyes squeeze shut as I try to block it out as my palms press tightly over my ears. But then a horrible realisation dawns on me. When my palms press on my ears it had feels wet and when I look at my hands for the source of the wetness, I see that both my hands are covered in thick red liquid which can only be one thing: blood.

A terrified gasp is suck between my lips as I try to run. Where? I don't know. Just somewhere away from this place. But my body rebels. It's like I cannot run no mater how hard I try, as if each step I take drags me two steps backward instead of forward.


A scream of fear resonates from my lips when I feel a firm grasp wrap around my neck, jerking my body backward into an impossibly cold, stiff figure. Two overpowering arms wrap around my body, pinning my arms helplessly to my sides as I struggle to no avail. A deep, rattling breath is sucked behind me as whoever has me captive easily controls my flailing.

"You killed our child." That voice... I can recognise that voice in my sleep. The reason why he's doing this to me is far beyond me and it just adds to my frazzled mind.

"L-Louis... I don't kno-"

"Shut up."

My eyes squeeze shut and I try to scream, but my mouth is stifled by a hand equally stiff and cold as his body. No amount of thrashing could throw him off me.

Never, in my entire life have I ever been so terrified and helpless. My eyes squeeze shut, cutting off my view of everything around me.

"How could you be so selfish, Aurora?" His voice is as cold and desolate as his body as I continue thrashing, trying to free myself. "How could you kill your own baby?"

A faint gasp escapes my lips at his words as his hand falls to control my thrashing. I can't have killed my baby, no. My baby can't be dead. No, no, no, no, no.

"You killed it. That little life who would have called me daddy and you mummy. You're a bloody murder." His voice is laced with venom as every word burns like acid through me.

"Louis, please - please stop. You're hurting me." I whimper, tears now falling freely through my eyes.

"What about when you hurt me, huh?" His hold on me tightens making me wince, "What about when you shattered me by killing our baby?"

"I-I would never-"

"Lies!" His abrupt yell startles me only to add to my frightened being. "You're lying and now you're a lying murderer."


"Yes. For gods sake stop lying!" His ear-splitting yell makes me hiss as I pull my head slightly away as far as his hold would allow me. "You killed my child Rory, you killed it so mercilessly. You're a murderer."

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