X - Atkins

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X - Atkins

"Are you sure this will work?" His doubtful tone is quite discouraging to be honest. The skeptic unsureness has made me think over my decisions countless times.

The hot air from the exhaust was burning my thighs, so I lift the laptop and place in on the bed "What do you mean?"

"I don't like the guy, Lilly. He's got commitment issues..." he reasons, "Plus, he got you pregnant. How careless is that?"

"Liam, I know he's a bit sketchy, but he's a nice guy once you spend a little time with him." I know Louis and I aren't that close, but he's not as bad as Liam says he is, "It's not like I'm dating him or something, we're just having a baby together."

"Do you realize how twisted that sounds?" he throws his hands back in exasperation. "There is big chance he'll just leave you in the middle of all this and then you're stuck. You shouldn't trust him."

Here comes the over-protective best-friend. It gets hard not to smile at how adorable it seems for Liam to be taking the role. Liam... oh Liam...

"What? Why are you smiling?"

I shake my head, shrugging it off. "It's nothing. And about what you said, I don't really need him. It's his choice to stay. And even if he chooses to leave mid-way, I'm pretty sure I can do it alone." He smiles gently and I know the battle is won.

"Okay, if you've made your mind." He shrugs.

"I have." I nod. "Have you thought of that you'll do when you get back?" I ask, my attempt to change the heavy topic.

"Yeah, dad has lined things up for me." I knew it. His father always has things lined up. If only I'd worked in my father's company too... "What about you? How's the job search going?"

I groan, "Don't ask. I've got so much shit on my plate right now."

"Have you considered Nikki's idea?"

"The blogging? Yeah, I started yesterday. Figured I should be doing something rather than slothing around the whole day."

"What's it about?"


"Cool. I'll check it out as soon as I can."

"Sure thing." I sigh, lying on my stomach, "When are you coming back?"

"Awe, look at that. Are you missing me Lily?" he coos animatedly, the coy grin plastered on his face making me want to slap it off.

"Shut up. I just miss someone to watch Harry Potter with." He laughs at my much too obvious lie.

"Right... I'll be back in a week or two."

Weeks! No....!

"Oh." It's all that actually comes out of my mouth.

"Don't miss me too much."

I groan, my fingers absent-mindedly running through my hair. "I-I'm just going through so much shit right now and I miss having you around." I finally admit.

"Hay, it's alright. You're a strong girl and I'll be back sooner than you can say Dumbledore."


"Lily..." he whines.


"You're making me feel so goddamn guilty."

"I'm sorry. It's been almost a year, I just..." I trail off, not finding the right words.

"I know, I'm having fun here, but I miss you too. You need me right now and I'm not there. I'm sorry, I'm so-"

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