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This ones for you🥰🤗 jhskv7

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Bora: How dare you! What's wrong with you?

TH: Calm down, mom. This is between the two of us.

Jin just walked inside the house and Taehyung followed him.

Bora: Minho, don't worry. Taehyung will be right back.

'I will have to marry Taehyung at the earliest. I know what I have to do.'

Minho thought.


TH: Have some water.

Taehyung said passing him the glass.

Jin: I'm... I'm sorry.

TH: Jin. Tell me. What do I do?

Jin: Don't get married.

TH: Jin, why is it so difficult for you to understand? I have already told you the reason. Why don't you understand?

Jin: The reason you told me doesn't make sense. I don't want to discuss that again. I want to discuss your feelings.

TH: No. You want to tell me what you like. You feel Jungkook is the right guy for me.

Jin: Yes, that's true. Because I know that he loves you a lot. You don't accept it, but I know for a fact that you love him. How can you marry someone else, Taehyung?

TH: Jin. You are at it again! He is seventeen years younger than me. Do you really think that things will work out?

Jin: No relationships are perfect, Taehyung. Even if you find a perfect husband for yourself, it's not necessary that your relationship will be perfect. And when you don't love a person, you can never be happy with him although he might be perfect. 

TH: It's easier said than done, Jin. I don't want to change this society. Nor I can change their mentality. I have to look after my mom and daughter. I can't be selfish. I can't think only about my feelings.

Jin: That means you love Kook, but you can't marry him.

TH: I didn't say that.

Jin: Don't you love Kook?

Taehyung looked away and replied.

TH: No.

Jin: Then, why did you take so long to answer my question?

TH: Jin, please! It was not easy for me to make this decision. Don't ask me any questions.

Jin: Okay. I won't ask you anything. But I can't support you in this decision of yours. You are going to make the biggest mistake of your life. And I don't want to be a part of it.

He said with tears in his eyes.

TH: Jin...

Jin: I am going, Taehyung. I just wish that you change your decision before it's too late.

Jin. Jin, please...

Jin just ignored his pleas and left.


Minho angrily walked in the street near Taehyung's house, clutching the ring tightly in his palm as he thought about Jungkook.


'I want to give you something. Our memories!'

'Everyone thinks that my love is one-sided. But you know that's not true.'

AGE IS JUST A NUMBER (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now