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As soon as the police brought Taehyung out the hotel, media swarmed around him.

Reporter1: Sir, how long have you been into prostitution?

R2: You are a teacher. How can you stoop so low?

Taehyung was looking at his feet.

R1: Sir, you can't remain silent. We want an answer.

R3: Are you involved in flesh trade?

R1: We heard that you have a daughter. Is she a part of this racket?

He widened his eyes at his words and raised his head with tears in his eyes.


Don-hwa and many people in the streets started watching the news, in an open cafe and were surprised.

Aera and Bora watched the news and widened their eyes.

Aera: Appa!

Bora: What!

R2: Please answer us. We need an answer.

R3: Please tell us, sir.


Donhwa: Take a look, everyone! No one believed me. Instead, you said I was talking nonsense. The truth is out now. He claimed to be a virtuous man. Look what he has been up to. He pretends to be an ideal man, but he did something so despicable. Shame on him!


R2: Are you involved in flesh trade? Sir, please! Answer us!

X1: Look at this man. He teaches our children during the day. Are you involved in this trade?

Donhwa: I must say that he is very clever. We have been living in the same neighborhood for many years. No one ever found out that he was into solicitation.

Bora: Keep your mouth shut, Don-hwa! Or else, I will cut your tongue off!

Donhwa: Don't give me attitude, ma'am! It's not going to work. Your son is a man of loose character! Why should we shut up? Don't you agree with me?

X1: Yes. We are decent people. A depraved man like him can't stay here.

X2: You are right. He has a fifteen-year-old daughter. He doesn't even care about her daughter. He has crossed all her limits.

Aera: Appa hasn't done anything.

Donhwa: The police have never arrested anyone else in our neighborhood. They don't arrest anyone without reason. They arrested him because he is guilty.

Bora: Let's go, Aera. Come on. Taehyung will tell us the truth.

She said taking Aera until the house.

Yes, you may go! Please ask Taehyung a question on my behalf. Why didn't he ever let me touch him? Had he told me the truth, I would've helped him find customers.


TH: Please believe me, officer. I am not lying. I have not done anything.

He pleaded the officer standing behind the bars.

TH: Mr. Kwon Sanwoo falsely accused me.

P: Keep quiet. Have you taken us for a fool? Why would he blacken the image of his school by falsely accusing you?

AGE IS JUST A NUMBER (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now