Chapter 2

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Kaito pov

After we arrived to Gakupo's house, he got me a towel and some clothes to borrow since the ones I have on our wet.

"While you change, I'll make us some tea"

"Okay, thanks Gakupo" I say in gratefulness.

After getting to his bathroom, I took off my wet clothes and dried my hair off, then I walked out carrying my wet clothes.

"Do the clothes I gave you fit okay Kaito?"

"Yeah, thank you"

"Here, let me take your clothes and dry them"

Gakupo took my clothes and threw them into the dryer. After he started the dryer, he went back into the kitchen to check on the water that he was boiling for the tea.

"Since the water isn't ready yet, why don't we sit and chat" Gakupo suggested.


We sat down in the couch and talked.

"It has been a while since I came to your place"

"Yeah it has, when was the last time you came over?" Gakupo questioned while trying to remember.

"I think it was...before Akaito and I got together"

"Wow, it has been a while"

I nodded in agreement.

"But I see that you're place hasn't changed one bit" I comment while looking around the room.

"But anyway, Kaito, I'm really sorry about what Akaito did to you"

"It's not your fault, I just don't understand why he would do this to me" I frowned while looking down.

"I don't either"

"I guess...I wasn't good enough for him" I guessed with tears formed in my eyes.

I felt Gakupo place his hand on my shoulder"


Before he could say anything else, I cut him off.

"I guess from where I wasn't good enough for him anymore, he dumped me I'm probably not good enough for anyone" I say with tears rolling down my cheeks.

Gakupo grabbed both my hands, which caused me to look at him in surprise.

"Kaito, don't ever say that again" Gakupo scolded lightly.

Before I could say anything, he cut me off.

"Look, I don't understand why he did that to you but just because he did this to you, that doesn't mean you're not good enough for anyone, if I'm gonna be honest with you I think you're better off with someone else, if he really loved you like he always said he did, he wouldn't have done that to you so him doing this is a sign that he isn't the one for you, you're real true love is out there somewhere, and I know you'll find them soon so don't ever say that you're not good enough because you are"

I was speechless at his words, but I felt touched by them. I finally felt a smile come across my face.

"Thanks Gakupo, you're a good friend" I say in a grateful tone.

"If you ever need me Kaito, I'm always here for you and I always will be, I'm not gonna leave you ever" Gakupo says with a soft smile.

I felt my heart beating like crazy, I didn't understand why since it never did when I was with Akaito. But I ignored it since it was probably because it was touched by how caring Gakupo is.

"I'm gonna go check on the water"


Narrator pov

After Gakupo got to the kitchen, he saw that the water was boiling so it was ready. After making the tea, he walked back into the living room with two cups.


Kaito pov

"Here you go Kaito, be careful it's hot" Gakupo warned.

"Thanks Gakupo"

I grabbed the tea and began to drink it, it tasted really good it has been a while since I drank Gakupo's tea.

"Wanna watch a movie?"


After Gakupo got the movie set up, we began to watch it, not sure what it was called it said that it was a comedy.

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now