Chapter 22

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Kaito pov

I was finally starting to wake up, when I did I found myself in a dark room.

"What happened?" I wondered while rubbing my forehead.

Then the memory of me getting knocked out came back and I felt scared, I quickly got up and tried to run but I was pulled back, it was so unexpected that I fell on the floor. I saw that my hands and feet were chained onto the bed.

"I'm trapped" I felt scared, who kidnapped me and why?

Then I heard a sound of a door open and some footsteps coming down the stairs, the lights turned on and to my shock, it was...Akaito with a couple of guys. One of them had blonde shoulder length hair and green eyes while the other guy had black hair, brown eyes, and wearing glasses.

"I see you're finally awake my love" Akaito smirked.

"Akaito...why am I here?"

"To be with me of course"

"We're not together anymore, now let me go" I commanded.

"No can do love, I have told you that my heart will always belong to me and I meant it, and to make sure you stay by my side, I brought you here and you'll remain here"

"For how long?" I ask in horror.

"Until school's over and after that, we're gonna get married"

"We're to young for marriage and if I'm gonna marry anyone, it's Gakupo" I glared.

"You mean that purple hair loser?" Akaito asks in sarcastic.

"Oh I get it, good one Akaito" the blonde hair boy laughed.

The blonde hair was thinking and his eyes widen.

"Oh I get it, good one Akaito" the blonde hair boy laughed.

The glasses boy just rolled his eyes.

"Who are you guys?"

"A couple of my friends of mine, Leon and Kiyoteru"

"Don't you dare call my boyfriend a loser, if anyone is a loser it's you three, now let me go and I promise to not report you to the police or anything" I begged.

"No can do, you belong to me Kaito and always will and you'll remain here forever"

The way Akaito was talking, he looked like a psycho, what did I ever see in him?

"But I still have to go to school"

"Don't worry love, Kiyoteru already made arrangements to make you home schooled so you can continue while living here"

"But what about my friends and family, they must be worry sick about me"

"Don't worry, they'll forget about you and you'll only have me"

"Akaito, I command that you release me"

"Boys, I need to speak to Kaito alone"

Leon and Kiyoteru nodded and went back upstairs.

"I will not, and I'm gonna say this only one time"

He sat next to me and leaned to my ear and whispered.

"If you scream or try to escape, I will hurt the one person that means so much to you, which is...Gakupo"

My eyes widen and I felt tears in my eyes.

"Now that we got that settled, I'm gonna make dinner so just relax" Akaito smirked and placed a kiss on my cheek.

When he left, he closed the door and left me to cry. How am I gonna get out of here, Gakupo please save me.

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now