Chapter 21

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Kaito pov

Today was Monday and the day felt like it was slow as a snail since I'm eager to see Gakupo, after what we did this weekend me and him didn't like being apart so hearing the last bell rang, I was desperate to see him.

When I saw him, I smiled big and he gave me a big hug.

"Hey love" Gakupo greeted.

"Hi, you ready to go?"

"Actually, I have to stay after school because I got some students that need tutoring and since the teacher knows that I'm really smart, he asked me to help some students that are struggling"

"Well he's right about you being smart, but do you know how long you're gonna be here?"

"Not sure, I hope not to long but I'll call you later tonight alright"

"Alright, good luck" I smiled.

After we exchanged a kiss, I headed outside and began to walk home. When I started walking, for some reason I felt like I was being followed.

"Huh?" I looked around and didn't see anyone, maybe I was just imagining. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk home.

Suddenly, I was craving for ice cream so I decided to go to the ice cream parlor.


Narrator pov

When Kaito got their, what he doesn't know was he was being followed, but who is it? And why? Let's see.


Kaito pov

I was licking my ice cream since I have it in a cone but before I could start walking again, I suddenly was knocked out.


??? pov

When Kaito passed out, his ice cream fell to the ground and I picked him up in bridal style. Luckily their was no people around so I'm saved, I will make Kaito love me again if it's the last thing I do, I put him in the car and began to drive us to my house.


Gakupo pov

I was finally home and I was wore out but I remembered that I promised Kaito that I would call him, but before I could suddenly I heard a knock at the door.

"Huh, who could that be?" I wondered to myself.

I hurried to the door and saw...Kaiko.

"Oh hi Kaiko, what's up?"

"Is Kaito here?"

"No, isn't he at home?"

"No, and mom and I tried to call him but we can't get a hold of him and I was wondering if he was here with you"

My eyes widen at what she just said.

"But I saw him at school and he said he was going home, that was the last time I saw him"

"Where could he have gone?" Kaiko panics.

"Let's ask the others, maybe he's at one of their houses" I suggested.


Narrator pov

To Gakupo and Kaiko's horror, Kaito wasn't at any of their friends houses or haven't been seen since school.


Gakupo pov

We hurried back and told Ms Shion about Kaito not being anywhere, she immediately called the police and I called everybody to alarm them about Kaito disappearance. They all arrived and right now I was trying to calm Ms Shion down since she was crying her eyes out while Miku and Luka comforted Kaiko who was crying as well.

I felt tears form in my eyes, Kaito where are you?

A/n: Who kidnapped Kaito? Place your answer down in the comments below, I hope you're enjoying the story.

Have a great day 👍

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