Chapter 4

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Kaito pov

When we walked in, Gakupo and I headed to class. Luckily, we had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period together and of course lunch to. While we headed to our first class, I saw Akaito and Yuma making out. My heart broked at the sight since me and Akaito used to do that.


Gakupo pov

I saw that Kaito was staring at Akaito and Yuma with a heartbroken expression on his face, seeing that idiot kissing another guy made me super mad because he broke up with Kaito.

I didn't understand why he would do this to Kaito, without thinking I wrapped my arm around Kaito's shoulders.

"C'mon Kaito, let's go"


Kaito pov

"Okay" I nodded.

Sadly, we had to walk pass my ex and his new boyfriend, so when we did I just looked down while walking.

When we made it to class, I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday or what I just saw, but I tried not to cry or think about it even though it was hard.


Narrator pov

Hours went by and right now, Kaito and Gakupo met up with the others at the cafeteria.


Kaito pov

"I'm not ready for the big math test tomorrow" Len complained.

"Me either" Rin sulked.

"So that means after school, you gotta go straight home and study" Miku laughed.

"I'm not gonna study, I'm gonna play video games" Len grinned.

"Len, mom will get on you for not studying and do you remember what happened last time you failed a test"

"Don't remind me"

"But I do hope you all do good" says Luka.

"Thanks" both Rin and Len say.

"Not to change the subject, but I've been very excited to hear about how your anniversary with Akaito went Kaito, so how did it go?" Meiko asks with a huge grin.

I just looked down at my food try with a huge frown on my face. My reaction surprised and worried everyone. Then I felt Gakupo wrap his arm around my shoulders.

"You want me to tell them?" Gakupo asks while whispering in my ear.

I nodded.

"Akaito...broke up with him" Gakupo frowned.

Everyone gasped.

"What, why?" Miku asks.

After Gakupo told everyone what I told him, they all looked really mad.

"O...m...g, that's terrible" Len glared.

"What an idiot" Meiko comment with her arms crossed.

"I know right" Rin nodded.

"We're so sorry to hear that Kaito" Luka frowned.

"Thanks guys, bit I'll be okay" I smiled a little even though heartbroken"

"Since I have class with Akaito after lunch, I will beat him up real good" says Len.

"No don't do that Len, violence isn't the answer and besides I don't want you to get in trouble" I frowned.

"Can't I just give him one black eye?" Len pleaded.

"No" we all answered.

"Okay okay" Len surrendered.

"Just know that we're all here for you Kaito, and if you need someone to talk to, we're all here" Luka smiled softly.

The others nodded in agreement, I smiled at them.

"Thanks guys"

"Speaking of the devil, he's here" Meiko glared.

We all turned to where Meiko was looking at and I frowned.

Akaito and Yuma were walking together hand in hand towards the line of people who were waiting to get their lunches, Akaito looked my way. It made me look away quickly with my frown growing.

"It's okay Kaito" Gakupo says while rubbing my back.

I just nodded without saying anything.

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz