Chapter 7

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Kaito pov

After Gakupo dropped me off to my house, I was in my room until I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in"

Kaiko came in and smiled.

"Hey big bro"

"Hey sis, what's up?"

"Yes I did"

Then I remembered how I blushed when Gakupo smiled at me, I didn't understand why so I decided to ask Kaiko, she might know.

"Actually Kaiko, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well, when Gakupo drove me home I did something that I never done around him before.

"What's that?" Kaiko asks in confusion.

"I...blushed when he smiled at me, I don't understand why I did, I never have before so I don't understand why"


"Yeah and the other day my heart started pounding like crazy when I was around him" I continued.


"I don't understand why, do you?"

"Well...I do have a guess, but your probably gonna deny it or say that I'm wrong"

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"I think...your falling in love with him"

My eyes widen at Kaiko's answer.

"Sis, there's no way I can fall in love again after just getting out of a relationship"

"I know but like I said, it was just a guess"

"True, and even if I was he's probably not gay" I frowned.

"How do you know that?"

I was about to answer but then realized that I didn't know if he was or not.

"Good question, I don't know"

"Has he ever said any guys were cute or anything?" Kaiko asks in curiosity.

"Not that I know of, but whenever a girl asked him out he always rejected them"


"But anyway, I'm not really ready to be in a relationship ship, I mean I'm over my ex now but still I don't feel ready.

"That understandable bro, whenever you're ready, you'll know"

"Right" I nodded.

Then Kaiko's phone went off.

"Whoa texting you?" I ask in curiosity.

"Oh it's Gakuko, she invited me to her slumber party tonight" Kaiko smiled.

"Have fun" I smiled.

"Thanks, I better get ready and go see ya bro" Kaiko waved.

"See ya sis, be careful"

After she walked out of my bedroom,  I was about to go take a shower until something caught my attention. On the bookshelf, I saw my photo album that has pictures of me and Gakupo as kids, I decided to look at it.

There was alot of pictures in it, there are ones that had us celebrating our birthdays, going to school events, going trick or treating on Halloween, and other things. I laughed at the pictures since they all brought up good memories from our childhood. Then a memory popped into my head. It was when Akaito and I were together, it wasn't a happy one though but it was something I couldn't forget because Gakupo helped me, it was last year when it happened.


I just left Akaito's place with tears in my eyes because we got into a horrible fight. Their was alot of screaming and yelling, I couldn't take it no more so I left.

After a while of walking, I saw myself standing in front of the ice cream parlor. I usually would run in and get myself some ice cream, but I for the very first time, I didn't feel like eating ice cream. Before I could start walking again, I felt a hand on my shoulder.


I turned around and saw Gakupo.

"Hey Kaito, I finally got your attention" Gakupo chuckled.

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"I called out to you but you didn't answer, so touching your shoulder got your attention"

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to ignore you"

"It's okay, so I see your getting yourself some ice cream"

"I'm not in the mood for ice cream" I say in a sad tone.

"What, Kaito I never thought I see the day where you don't feel like having ice cream" Gakupo says in shock.

"Yeah I know"

"What's wrong?" Gakupo asks worryingly.

I started crying a little.

"Kaito, what happened?"

"Me...and Akaito got into a...fight" I sobbed.

Gakupo hugged me tight while rubbing my back with his hand.

"It's okay Kaito, I'm here for you whenever you're ready, you can tell me about it"

I hugged Gakupo tight while crying and he held me tight as well. I was lucky to have him as my best friend, I don't know what I would do without him"

*End of flashback*

Whenever I was sad, Gakupo would be the first person that would be there for me. I didn't have to ask most of the time, he would just come and be a shoulder for me to cry on.

I blushed at the thought of his arms wrapped around me.

"What's going on with me?" I ask myself in confusion.

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now