Chapter 26

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Akaito pov

We were heading back to my house and boy did that purple hair loser put me in a bad mood.

"Akaito, you okay?" Leon asks with a worry look.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I ask in sarcastic.

"Akaito, you don't have to get smart aleck I understand that Gakupo put you in a bad mood, but don't take it out on Leon" Kiyoteru scolded lightly.

"Sorry I just didn't like how he was bothering you guys, I can't lose you like I lost those girls from the past"

"Akaito, you should trust us when it comes to us never abandoning you" Leon pouted.

"Did I ever say that I don't trust you guys?" I ask in sarcastic while rolling my eyes.

"No but it seems like you don't" Leon pouted even more.

"Well I do, now drop the subject!" I yelled.

"And I also don't want you guys to be kind to that Gakupo idiot, or be around him no matter what" I commanded.

"No offense Akaito, but it's not your decision on who we can and can't hangout with" Kiyoteru scolded.

"And Gakupo is really kind, if he hadn't stopped those bullies from hurting me then I probably would be injured or something much worse"

"Then learn to defend yourself Leon, do it while you think of pervert stuff like you always do"

"I don't always think of pervert stuff" Leon denied.

"No offense Leon but you kinda do" Kiyoteru crossed his arms.

Leon just pouted.

"C'mon you guys, let's talk about the plan I have in my head" I smirked.

"You mean doing it with Kaito?" Leon joked.

"No you dummy, I meant with getting rid of Gakupo"

"Getting rid of Gakupo, how will you do that?" Kiyoteru asks with a eyebrow raised.

"Not me, we" I gestured to us all.

"And what's the plan?" Leon scratched his head in confusion.

"I'm glad you asked, the plan is simple but I'm gonna need your guys help" I smirked.

"We are gonna...kill him"

"Huh?" Leon gasped in shock.

"What?" Kiyoteru eyes widen.

"Yep, that's the plan"

"Uh Akaito, I get that you hate Gakupo but murdering isn't the answer, that's way to far" Leon exclaimed.

"Yeah I agree"

"Oh c'mon guys, I understand this is something bad but it's for the best, I want Gakupo gone and out of my way"

"You mean with getting popular again?" Leon questioned.

"Duh, what else?"

" it should go?" Leon asks in hesitate.

"Oh yeah I have it all planned out, and I'll need your help" I smirked bigger.

"Just you wait, with Gakupo gone Kaito is gonna be all mine and I'll be the most popular guy in school again" I chuckled evilly.


Narrator pov

Days went by and now it was the weekend and Gakupo was out looking for Kaito. But what he doesn't know was things were about to take a wild turn.


Gakupo pov

I've been asking people and went to all of the places Kaito loves to go to, but they all came out dry.

"Kaito, where are you?" I ask in a quiet tone.


I jumped and turned to see Leon.

"Oh hi Leon, what can I do for you?"


What wrong with him?

"Something wrong?" I ask in concern.

"Oh no sorry, it's just well...I...I...I know where Kaito is"

My eyes widen and a big smile appeared on my face.

"Really, you know where he is please take me to him" I squealed in excitement.

"Of course, just follow me"

Leon began to lead the way, I can't believe Kaito's been found but why does Leon sound weird? Oh well, at least I'll get my lover back.


Leon pov

(A/n: This takes place before Leon getting Gakupo)

Kiyoteru and I were listening to Akaito's plan, we were in the woods.

"So here's the plan, Leon will get Gakupo and lead him here, and you see this rope he will step on it and it will make him hang from the air and finally, I will cut the rope from the tree and he will fall hard to the ground, after that I'll hit him really hard with this big rock and once he's dead, we will throw his body into the water and we'll leave" Akaito grinned evilly.

"Akaito, are you sure about this?" I ask while trying to not look scared.

"Of course I am, now Leon go find Gakupo and bring him here"

"Right" I nodded.

"And don't keep us waiting, now go"

While I walked, I couldn't help but be terrified at this, I mean Akaito's my friend, and I get to do what makes him happy even if I'm not.

After a while, I finally found Gakupo and began to lead him to the trap.


Gakupo pov

To my surprise, Leon led me towards the woods.

"Leon, is Kaito really in there?"

"Yes, now let's go"

"...Okay" I nodded.

For some reason, my gut was telling me to turn back I don't know why, I was finally getting Kaito back, maybe it was just my imagination.

After a while, Leon jumped which confused me because I didn't see anything, but all of a sudden I was yanked into the air.

"Huh, what going on Leon help me out here"

Suddenly, I heard a fimiliar voice.

"Good work Leon, now for step two"

I looked up to see...Akaito and to my horror he had a knife in his hands.

"Akaito...what are you doing?" I gasped.

"I'm getting rid of you Gakupo"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You're going to die, you've been in my way forever and took my popularity and my Kaito so now I'm gonna get rid of you" Akaito laughed evilly.

"So bye bye" Akaito moved the knife closer to the rope.

"Akaito, please don't" I begged.


Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now