Chapter 11

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Gakupo pov

Weeks went by and today I was hanging out with Lily and Dell at my house, I needed there help with how to tell Kaito my feelings.

"So, how should I confess to Kaito at the prom?"

"Well, how about you tell him while dancing with him" Dell suggested.

"Nah, it has to be very romantic" says Lily.

"Oh yeah, what do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking of when they step outside, Gakupo can confess" Lily suggested.

"What did you have in mind Gakupo?" Dell asks.

"Well, I do like the idea that Lily suggested you know stepping outside, we can do that after we dance and hopefully the stars will be out and we can star gaze for a while and then I'll tell him my feelings"

"Ooooooooooo star gazing, how romantic" Lily sigh dreamily.

"Oh good grief" Dell shook his head.

"I like it, but do you know how you're gonna tell him?"

"I think so" I nodded.

"Awesome, I can't wait until the time comes" Lily squealed.

"You seem more excited then I am" I laughed.

"I can't help it, I'm addicted to romance"

"I can tell" Dell comment.

I was nervous but I wanted to tell Kaito my feelings to him, I hope he feels the same way about me.


Kaito pov

Finally, it was the night of the prom and right now me and my friends were at my house getting ready.

"Ugh, I can get my bow on" Rin groaned.

"Here Rin, let me help you" Miku offered.

"Thanks girlfriend"

"How does my makeup look?" Luka asks.

"You look beautiful Luka" Len comment.

"Thanks Len"

"Can someone help me with my zipper?" Meiko asks.

"Here, I'll help you" I offered.

After zipping her up, she turned around and smiled.

"Thanks Kaito"

"You're welcome"

Then we heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" I announced.

I opened the door and saw Gakupo, I couldn't help but think that he looked handsome.

"Hey Gakupo" I greeted.

"Hey Kaito, you look amazing" Gakupo smiled.

"So do you, come on in"

He walked in and we joined the others.

"Hey Gakupo, glad you made it" Miku smiled.

"Of course I made it, why wouldn't I"

After a while, mom took a group picture of us and after doing that, we were ready to go.

"Have a great time bro" Kaiko smiled.

"Thanks sis"

"You all be careful" says mom.

"Don't worry mom, we will"

After giving Kaiko and mom a hug, we all got in our cars, we were riding separate so Gakupo and I rode in his car alone.

"You ready?" Gakupo asks.

"Yep" I nodded.


Narrator pov

While they drove to the prom, out of nowhere Gakupo grabbed Kaito's hand. It caused Kaito to blush but he smiled at him and Gakupo smiled back at him. Before they knew it, they finally made it.

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora