Chapter 25

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Kaito pov

I was crying because Akaito made me do it with him, I hated it so much and I felt so ashamed that I did with him since I'm with Gakupo, I don't know how I was ever gonna face him again if I ever get out of here.

I heard someone come downstairs and it was Akaito with a tray filled with food. I didn't wanna eat it because he was really terrible at cooking.

"Here love, I made you some yummy food eat up" Akaito cooed.

"No thanks, your food is gross"

He took a spoonful of some porridge and put it near my mouth, since my hands are still cupped up I can't feed myself.

"Open wide my love, it's delicious"

"No thanks" I looked away while glaring.

"Well, how about my famous salad?"


"I see your don't like it, what can I make for you that will make you smile?"

"I want to go home and be with my friends and family, and most of all Gakupo, I want you to let me go" I glared with tears forming in my eyes.

"Now now my love, you're probably just tired and need some sleep so I'll let you go to sleep but after you eat  your dinner"

"I rather go hungry then eat your nasty cooking, last time I ate it I wanted to throw up"

"Alright, I guess no dinner for you, I should let you get some sleep goodnight love, sweet dreams" Akaito kissed my cheek and went back upstairs.

After closing the door, I bursted into tears.


Gakupo pov

The next day, I was heading to class when I heard a commotion going on. I saw a group of boys picking on Leon, after seeing him get pushed I immediately ran up to them and after getting rid of the bullies, I held out my hand for Leon.

"Leon, you okay?" I ask in concern.

"Uh...yeah I'm fine, thanks"

"No problem, here" I handed him his books and he took them.


Leon pov

I was surprised at how kind Gakupo was being to me, I don't think he knows about me being friends with Akaito.


I jumped and to my horror, it was Akaito and Kiyoteru.


Gakupo pov

"Hey purple hair loser, why are you messing with my friend?" Akaito glared.

"I wasn't, some boys were picking on him and I helped him out"

"Look, I don't care if your trying to help him or not but don't mess with me or my gang, you already took more then enough from me"

I was confused.

"What in the world are you talking about Akaito?" I ask in confusion.

"You took my popularity away from me back in middle school, I used to be the most handsome guy but since you came into the picture, you took that away from me and I'll never forgive you for that" Akaito growled with a huge glare on his face.

I just glared back at him.

"That's the most stupidest thing that you would get mad at me for"

"Oh yeah well I should go ahead and say that I never liked you from the moment I layed my eyes on you"

I glared at him even more.

"I never liked you either Akaito, especially after how you hurt Kaito"

"That's in the past, get over it"

"Oh so you can't get over the past but I have to, wow that's stupid Akaito, you are the most stupidest person I've every met" I chuckled in sarcastic.

"What did you say?" Akaito asks in anger.

"You heard me, now if you'll excuse me I need to find Kaito, have a nice evening red head loser"

Then I walked away.

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now