Chapter 10

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Kaito pov

After we ordered our sandwiches, we took a seat and began to eat.

"Man, I'm hungry" Len complained.

"Hi hungry, I'm Rin"

We all bursted into laughing at Rin's joke.

"Good one Rin" Miku laughed.

"Thanks" Rin grinned.

Before I could say anything, two hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?"

I smiled at the voice.

"Hey Gakupo"

He uncovered my eyes and smiled at me.

"Hey Kaito"

"Oh hi Gakupo, what a surprise" says Luka.

"Hi guys, mind if I join you?"

"Of course, take a seat" I gestured.

He pulled up a chair and sat down.

"So what are you up to?"

"We were shopping for stuff to wear to the prom" Meiko answered.

"What a coincidence, I was to along with Lily and Dell" Gakupo chuckled.

"Where are Lily and Dell?" Len asks.

"We got done so they went home, but I was grabbing some lunch so after getting done, I saw you guys so I thought I come and say hi"

"We're glad that you did" I smiled.

Before anyone could say anything, we heard Len growling.

"Len, what's wrong?" Rin asks in confusion.

"Look who's here"

We looked and my eyes widen.

It was...Akaito and Yuma, they were eating as well.

"Oh great, the idiot is here" Miku comment with a glare.

"Yep" Meiko nodded.

"You okay Kaito?" Gakupo asks worryingly.

"Yeah, don't worry about me I'm completely over him" I smiled.



Gakupo pov

While the others were eating and talking, I saw that Akaito kept looking at Kaito with a frown while Yuma was talking, I can tell that he wasn't paying attention to his boyfriend at all. I moved my mouth to say that I hated him with a glare on my face and turned back to the others.


Narrator pov

Hours went by and right now Kaito was laying in his bed in deep thought.


Kaito pov

Lately, I've been thinking about Gakupo nonstop I would have dreams where he would hold me in his arms and his lips against mine.

"Do I...have feelings for Gakupo?" I questioned to myself while thinking.

I thought about everything we went through together ever since we met.

He was my first friend when I moved here as a young kid, how we always celebrated each other's birthdays every year, whenever I was sad he would always be the first one to help me I didn't have to ask, and how he helped me get through my heartbreak and after Akaito broke up with me.

*Knock knock*

I jumped at the knocking at my door.

"Come in"

Kaiko walked in.

"Hey bro"

"Hey sis, what's up?"

"Not much, what about you?"

"Nothing, just thinking"

"About what?"

"About this feeling I have, not sure what it is"

"Can you tell me about it?"

"Lately, my heart has been going crazy whenever I think about Gakupo, I don't know why"

"Kaito...are you falling in love with him?"

I blushed at her question.

"I...I don't know" I hesitated.

"Kaito, if you are then it's sweet"

"You think so?"

"I do, he would be alot better for you"

"I guess"

"If I'm gonna be honest with you, I think you're falling in love with him"

I thought about what she just said and after I thought about all the times me and Gakupo shared, how I've been blushing around him lately, I think Kaiko is right.

"Sis, I think you're right"

"So you are in love" Kaiko asks in excitement.

I nodded while blushing.

"But don't tell him"

"I won't, but when are you gonna tell him?"

"Not sure"

"How about at prom?"

"We'll see"

"Good luck bro"

"Thanks sis" I smiled.

After she walked out, I smiled again. Yes I'm in love with Gakupo.

A/n: I know I said before that I would update on Friday, but I was bored so I decided to post this chapter today lol😂🤣

I hope you all are enjoying this story so far. Have an awesome day 👍

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now