Chapter 23

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Gakupo pov

Today I was at my parents house having dinner, ever since Kaito's disappearance I haven't been feeling like myself. I've not been eating, sleeping, or focus on school.

"Bro, you gotta eat"

I looked at Gakuko and frowned, I know it's bad to skip meals but I can't stop thinking about Kaito.

"Sorry sis, I just don't feel like eating"

"Sweetie, at least eat a little I know your upset about Kaito's disappearance, but he wouldn't like to hear that you've been eating because of him" mom frowned.

I knew mom was right, so I tried to eat but when I took a bite. I felt tears in my eyes again.


I bursted into tears, I just want Kaito back.

Mom and Gakuko hugged me tight to try and comfort me, they knew about me and Kaito being a couple. I just want Kaito home.


Kiyoteru pov

Akaito, Leon, and I were walking to school. While walking, I noticed how Akaito was distracted which I wasn't surprised because he's thinking about Kaito.

"Hey Akaito, can't get Kaito out of your mind?" Leon smirked.

"Yeah but something else"

"What's that?"

"After school, I'm gonna make love with him" Akaito grinned.

"Ooooooooooo that sounds good, you sure have a great mind" Leon chuckled.

"I know"

"You two sure have the same brain" I comment while rolling my eyes.

"We know, so Akaito can we watch?" Leon smirked.

"I'm afraid not Leon, it has to be a special moment with just me and him, but I'll be sure to tell you everything"

"Awesome" Leon cheered.

"Guys, that's a little weird"

"You only think that because you've never been in a relationship Kiyoteru, you  always have your nose in books and studies which is boring"

"Good grief" I shook my head.

"Maybe you can date a book" Leon joked.

"That's not possible"

"C'mon you guys we have to get to school, or else we'll be put in detention for being late again"

"Hey Akaito, I'm just curious but remember how you said to Kaito that if he tried to escape or call for help, you would hurt Gakupo" Leon asks.

"Yeah what about it?" Akaito asks in confusion.

"Did you really mean when you said that, cause I remember you told us that after you got to talk to him alone"

"Well duh, yeah I always hated Gakupo"

"Why, is it because he's caught Kaito's heart?" I ask in sarcastic.

"Well that, but also he stole from me" Akaito growled.

"What did he steal?" Leon asks in confusion.

"My popularity"

"Your...popularity, how did he do that?" I ask in curiosity.

"It all started in middle school, I used to be the most attractive guy in the whole school, all girls would flirt or do my homework to please me and try to date me, but of course they didn't know at the time that I was gay"

"So what happened?" Leon asks.

"One day, the girls stopped coming and when I saw why, it angered me"

"Let me guess, they were flirting with Gakupo?" I guessed.

"Yeah, they said he was the most attractive guy in school and the smartest, it angered me so badly I wanted to get rid of him and finding out that's he's Kaito's best friend angered me even more, so when Kaito had a crush on me I was pleased and I went out with him"

"But didn't you date that Yuma guy?" I ask in confusion.

"Yeah, but I regretted it later because when I saw Kaito and Gakupo spending time together again, I felt my blood boil and I wanted to explode like a volcano and splatter my lava on Gakupo" Akaito fists started to shake since he looked really angry.

"But you do love Kaito right, I mean not because you were trying to take him away from Gakupo but because you love him" Leon questioned.

"Of course I love him, and since he's forgotten that he loved me first, I'm gonna remind him and before you know it, me and him will be the most perfect couple in the world and Gakupo will be on the side suffering and wishing that he never stole my popularity" Akaito chuckled evilly.

"And you wonder why I admire you so much dude" Leon grinned.

"If anyone asks about Kaito, just keep quiet about it" Akaito smirked.

"Right" Leon and I nodded.

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now