Chapter 14

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Miku pov

While Kaito and Gakupo were dancing, the others and I were talking.

"I'm so happy for them" I smiled.

"Me to" Len nodded.

Before anyone could say anything, we suddenly heard someone crying.

"Hey, who's crying?" Luka asks in confusion.

We looked around and saw that it was...Yuma.

"It's Yuma, I wonder what's going on?" Rin wondered.

"Should we go see?" Meiko asks.

We all nodded and made our way towards him, he looked at us with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Hi Yuma, is everything okay?" Lily asks in concern.

"Oh hi, no I'm upset"

"Upset about what?" I ask.

"Akaito...dumped me"

All our eyes widen in shock.

"He...dumped you?" Luka asks in shock.

He nodded.

"Why, what happened?" I ask.

"He told me that...he still love Kaito and regretted going out with me, now he left me and is trying to find a way to get Kaito back" Yuma cried.

"Oh Yuma, we're so sorry to hear that" Len frowned.

"But Akaito is out of luck, because Kaito and Gakupo just got together" says Lily.

"You'll have to congratulate them for me"

"We'll do that, but again we're really sorry Yuma I hope you find someone way better then Akaito" I smiled softly.

"Thanks guys"


Narrator pov

After Kaito and Gakupo got done dancing, Kaito headed to the bathroom but what he wasn't expecting is things were about to get hectic.


Kaito pov

I was washing my hands and after doing that, I looked at the mirror and smiled.

"This will be a night I'll never forget" I thought to myself.


I saw that Akaito was behind me, I turned around and glared at him.

"What do you want Akaito?" I crossed my arms feeling annoyed.

"I wanna talk to you"

"Well I don't want to, so please excuse me"

When I tried to leave, Akaito grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall.

"Kaito, please hear me out" Akaito begged.

"Well hurry up, I want to get back to my friends and boyfriend"

For some reason, his eyes widen when I said boyfriend and he slowly backed away from me.

"B-boyfriend" Akaito stuttered.

"Yeah, Gakupo and I just got together"


"Why are you so shocked about this?" I ask with a annoy expression on my face.

"Kaito...I...broke up with Yuma"

My eyes widen at his words.



"Because why?"

"Because...I'm still in love with you"

I was more shocked, then Akaito had tears in his eyes which confused me.

"Kaito, I'm so sorry that I hurt you. After I dumped you, I regretted it and my heart felt broken. I was hoping to confess again and be your date tonight, please Kaito be my lover again and I will make it up to you" Akaito begged in desperation.

"My answer is no, my heart belongs to Gakupo he's been the only one there for me when I needed someone and if I'm gonna be honest with you Akaito, I thought I knew what love was when we were together but now that I'm with Gakupo, he showed me what real love was so I wanna be with him, not you and I feel bad for Yuma I hope he finds someone better then you, I hate you and you stay away from me" I say in anger.

Then I walked out while Akaito stood there like a statue.

After I met with the others, I saw Gakupo and hugged him with a loving smile on my face. I felt him hug me back and he kissed my head.


Narrator pov

Hours went by and everyone was ready to go home. Gakupo drove Kaito home, when they arrived they got out of the car and started to make out for a while until they decided to say goodnight.


Kaito pov

"Goodnight Kaito, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Goodnight Gakupo, I love you" I say in a shy tone.

My words made him pull me into another kiss which I kissed him back, after we parted he smiled at me.

"I love you to Kaito"

Then we let go and I headed inside.

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now