Chapter 8

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Kaito pov

A couple weeks went by and today I was at Gakupo's house playing video games.

"Man, you beat me again" I pouted.

"Yep, that was three times in a row" Gakupo laughed.

We played the Wii sports boxing game.

"Okay, let's take a break and have lunch"

"Good idea"

Gakupo made us some grilled cheese sandwiches.

"Remember when we were kids and we played video games on school nights when we were supposed to sleep" I laughed.

"Yeah, I remember one time I got caught and my mom started taking my video games before I went to bed"

"Same with my mom"

"But anyway, how you been doing?"

"I've been doing alot better, talking to my family and friends has made me feel better, but I really appreciate your help most of all Gakupo"

"I'm glad to hear that, I've been worried"

"You don't have to worry"

"I can't help it Kaito, your my best friend so seeing you hurt angers me"

I felt my blushing at his words.

"Hey Gakupo, I have a question"


"How come you never dated anyone, I mean your so good looking and smart, I wouldn't blame them for falling for you, but from where you rejected all of them, is there a reason?" I ask with my heart pounding feeling nervous about what his answer is gonna be.


Gakupo pov

I blushed when Kaito said I was good looking, but I couldn't tell him the real reason why I reject them.

"Well none of them caught my attention, and I just didn't feel a connection with any of them"


"Do you really think I'm good looking?"


Kaito pov

I blushed at his question, I was embarrassed that I said that he was good looking but it was the truth.

"Of course I do, I mean lots of girls stare at you and with how smart and talented you are, why wouldn't I think that" I nervously explained.

"Thanks Kaito, your handsome to"

I blushed even more but I shook my head.

"I'm...not that handsome" I frowned.

"You are, don't think that you're not because you are, I mean it" Gakupo smiled softly.

"Thanks" I smiled back at him


Narrator pov

A few weeks went by and Kaito was heading to class until he passed a poster hung up on the wall. It said prom on it, so that means prom was coming up.


Kaito pov

"Hey Kaito"

I turned and saw Len and Rin walk up to me.

"Hey guys"

"Ooooooooooo, prom is coming up how exciting" Rin squealed.

"Yeah, it's in a few weeks" says Len.

"Do you all have someone in mind to ask to the prom?" I ask in curiosity.

"Now really" says Len.

"Same" says Rin.

"Are you gonna go Kaito?' Len asks.

"I don't know maybe"

"You still have plenty of time to think it over" says Rin.


Narrator pov

Meanwhile, Gakupo was heading to class with Lily and Dell until he saw a poster that said prom on it.


Gakupo pov

"Looks like prom is coming up, how exciting" Lily squealed.

"Lame" Dell comment.

"How is prom lame Dell?" Lily asks in sarcastic.

"It just is"

"Oh brother" Lily rolled her eyes.

"I think prom sounds like fun, I hope that my other friends go" I smiled.

"Hey Gakupo, have you thought of asking Kaito to the prom?" Lily asks in curiosity.

"I don't know Lily, I would like to but I'm worried that he might not be ready to be in another relationship, I want to tell him my feelings but I don't know if he's ready or not"

"Did he say he wasn't?" Dell asks.

"Weeks ago, he said he was over Akaito but I'm worried that he's not" I frowned.

"Well, I've been noticing that Kaito has been doing alot better so I think it's time to tell him your feelings" says Lily.

"Prom is perfect, what you can do is ask him and when you go together you can share a dance and finally when the time comes, confess"

"Dell's right and besides, if you wait to long again he might get into another relationship, remember how heartbroken you were when he and his ex got together, you don't want that to happen again right?"

I thought about Lily and Dell's words and realized that they were right.

"You're right, I do want Kaito to be my lover"

"So ask him to the prom, we'll be cheering for you" Lily smiled.

Dell nodded in agreement while grinning.

"Thanks guys" I smiled.

Moving on from my heartbreak Gakupo x KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now