Chapter1: The S.C.P.T

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Chapter 1-S.C.P.T

S.C.P.T, the Securement and Containment of Potential Threats facility. A relatively new group that was founded in the year 2000, 2 years after the defeat of the United alliance of evil. This group pours all their funding into taking out threats before they happen.  This unwavering and persistent group remains a secret to the public eye. For the past 13 years after their founding, the group has protected the galaxy in the shadows, and today they are going after a very special target.

Rain falls as a ten year old boy stands alone at a gravestone, none would come to the service of the man he called father, only a black van in the distance to take him into custody. His eyes are dry, the child did all his crying the weeks prior, only a numb feeling radiating throughout the boy's mind and body as he stares at his father's resting place. Just as he turns to the black van, the carriage that will lead him to his new and lonely reality, he feels a sting in his neck.

The boy grabs the source of this pain and pulls out a dart-like object. All at once the child's body feels numb and he falls to the wet grass, masked men in black armor surrounding him as the boy does everything he can to move, but he can't, he can't even call for help as the darts venom takes hold.

"Zolda, I'm surprised, that was supposed to knock you out"

The child is kicked over and is able to see the gray sky, and a woman with red skin and purple hair. She steps on the child's chest, earning a groan from the paralyzed boy.

"I'm Adelia of the S.C.P.T, and your under arrest"

The boy referred to as Zolda can't even respond as the woman removes her foot from his chest and walks to the gravestone.

Here lies Zophram, Beloved father and proud protector of Eltar.

Adelia scoffs in disgust and kicks the gravestone, shattering it into pieces. Zolda is able to move just a bit at the destruction of his father's grave, but this is noticed by one of the armored men, who then hit the boy in the stomach.

Adelia turns to her men and orders "dig up the body for testing, and get that brat to the lab", she says walking away from the group.

One of the men grabs Zolda by his hair, dragging the paralyzed child away from the now destroyed grave. As he watches more armored men arrive with shovels, something in the boy snaps, and body begins to move.

His body is covered with a Purple aura as whatever they used to stop his movements quickly loses its effects. With a crackle, bolts of lighting strike the armored men, only Adelia is able to dodge the sudden attack.

Zolda rises and points at the woman who desecrated the grave of Zophram, he then speaks. "Come out, my pawns"

From the sky comes 8 bolts of lighting, and what stands in the place those bolts hit are eight gray, 6'0ft humanoid creatures. Adelia looks at the child and his reinforcements and scowls before saying " Those are putties…yeah, you're definitely Zed's kid". The woman rushes Zolda, but two putties grab her, one in a full Nelson, and the other latching onto her legs. Zolda raises a hand to the sky, and a bolt of lightning comes down and hits Adelia…then another…and another.

Bolt after bolt keeps hitting the woman until the putties are destroyed by the boy's attacks. Zolda turns and runs from the scorched land, but stops when he hears Adelia's voice.

"Ow '' is all she says before making a dash towards the boy, clearing the gap in an instant. Just as she is about to latch on the child's collar, he speaks again.


And with that another bolt of lightning hits the space in-between Zolda and Adelia, the woman is flown back and looks to see what stopped her. What stands In Front of her is a 10ft putty, much bulkier than the others and with a heater shield on each arm.

"Why are you attacking me, what am I arrested for?"

Adelia remains silent, only sighing as she pulls out what appears to be a flip phone. She pushes three buttons on the phone and Zolda can hear a voice coming from it "standing by". Once that happens, Adelia attaches the phone to a device on her wrist, the voice speaks again "Morphing" and with a flash of blue light, the woman morphs into a Power Ranger. "Blue S.C.P.T ranger, Ready"

A blue helmet with a black visor that covers the entire face. The whole suit is red with gold trimming along the waist, boots and gloves. Said boots and gloves were a jet black, the gloves sporting a symbol of an infinity covered in chains, the S.C.P.T insignia.

The ground beneath Adelia heats up as she rushes the rook putty. With one kick the shield of the beast is broken, and Zolda is left stunned as the most powerful putty he can create at the moment is overpowered in an instant.

Adelia picks up a broken piece of the shield, using its jagged edge to stab the rook. She then kicks the flat end, sending the broken shield piece flying through the putty and almost hitting Zolda. The putty crumbles to dust and Zolda tries to run, but Adelia kicks his leg, breaking it.

The ten year old falls to the ground screaming, tears in eyes as he grabs his leg. Adelia stands over the broken boy, picking him up by the hair and speaking.

"Do you know what we went through, the horror your father caused?"

Adelia places her middle finger and thumb together, pooping the child in his side, breaking a rib. More screams fill the graveyard as she continues to speak.

"And can you imagine our anger when we found out that he was living happily, unpunished, with a child that harbored his blood, and more magic potential. Haha I think not."

Zolda tries to free himself from the Rangers grip, pleading for her to stop, Adelia just places a hand on his mouth.

"Shhh, it's not your fault, your father committed heinous actions, and you hold the weight of that. I was ordered to just take you in, but seeing as you nearly took out a whole platune on your own, I think we both know what needs to happen."

She says this as she releases her grip on the boy's mouth, raising her hand as it radiates with insane heat. All Zolda can do is scream and plead, blacking out from the pain as the woman brings her hand down.

But it never reaches the child as her hand is stopped by another. A ranger who's suit looked exactly like hers, but red. The voice of a very angry old man comes from the red ranger.

"De-morph, NOW!!"

The shout from the man prompts Adelia to drop the boy, removing the phone from her wrist. With another flash of light,  the suit disappears from Adelia's person, leaving the crimson skinned woman to stare at the red ranger in anger.

"Why are you stopping me?" She asks, teetering on the edge of blind rage.

"Bring the target in alive, those are the orders, if you ever disobey me like this again, I will demote you to green. understood?"

Adelia doesn't respond for a few seconds, her eyes twitching as she just nods and walks away. The Red ranger picks the unconscious boy up and carries him to an unknown location.

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