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Chapter22: Two as one

As Octomush reaches for Nick and an unconscious Arjet, a green bubble appears around them.

The Morlock tries to break through, but finds it difficult.

"Xandread if you could deal with the other one while I handle this" he shouts while blue tendrils surround the barrier.

Xandread grumbles and turns to finish off Zolda, but he can't even turn a full 90 degrees before he hears a shout.
"Royal Arms!"

With a flash of red, the royal red ranger morphs and strikes Xandread in the leg. It does not break his skin, but it sends Xandread flying off into the rocks

"Ha!" Octomush laughs as he sees Xandread getting up, and Zolda uses this time to press the book.


The cannons fire a blast of pink wind that manage to pick Xandread up, lifting the nighlok high in the air until the gust stops.

As the Nighlok falls, Zolda let's lose everything, hitting Xandread with all the fire power he has.

Unfortunately, As soon as Xandread lands, he recovers. The Nighlok lands feet first, making a break for Zolda and using the same attack he used on Jaden.

Once more there's a loud crack, and every weapon but Zolda's sword is broken.

The royal red ranger is sent careening into the rocks around him, all the wind leaving his body as he fails to find breath.

Xandread gives him no time to recover and jumps in the air, landing his two feet directly on Zolda's chest. The man almost looses consciousness, but he manages to hold on and press the sword once more.


an energy  blade comes out the book blade first, this one cutting through the Nighloks leg like butter.

Xandread jumps off the man, which allows Zolda to breath and pick up the new sword. The hilt is mechanical and has a wire attached to the bottom, said wire attaching itself to the bottom of his main blade's hilt, causing it to gain an orange glow.

He now dual wields and moves with shaky legs.

His body moves on instinct,doing moves he never could before. Xandread brings his hand down and Zolda parries, then Nighlok tries to trip Zolda up, but his stance is perfect.

"You're moving like Jaden, weird" , is all Xandread says before he kicks it up a notch.

The two white sash's on his shoulders lash out and grab Zolda, but both blades cut through them with ease. Zolda can't celebrate however as the sash reattached themselves, almost they were made of flesh.

Xandread raises his hand, and what materializes is a bullzooka, identical to Jadens.

The Nighlok fires and the blast is to big to dodge, it could possibly destroy anything in its general direction. So Zolda does the next best thing.

He crosses his swords together and hopes for the best.

What should have been an instant death for the royal red ranger doesn't pan out that way. Instead the energy blade retracts, the blast of energy being sucked in and traveling through the wire into Zolda's main blade.

Xandread fires again, but Zolda slashes the blade down, a wave of energy coming out and slashing the bullzooka in half, while loping off one of the nighloks arms.

Xandread wails in agony as the injury won't heal, the arm disintegrating into dust.

"What is that blade!?" Xandread screams, but Zolda doesn't answer, instead he goes for the kill.

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