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Chapter15: Explanation and…the woods?

Two hours before Zolda woke up:

The Royal rangers have all recovered nicely, at the moment they are all eating in the mess hall.

Numerous Pai Zuhq students are crowded around Toxala, the green woman scarfing down bowl after bowl of rice.

"She's gonna break the record" a random student proclaims, and Kyle goads The daughter of Lord sledge on.

While this is happening, Thruster, Dialect and Arjet are looking over the various books they have acquired. The telepath is taking an interest in the Goldar and Dai Shi books.

"Can we use these?" She asks while holding the book into the light.

Arjet snatches the book out of her hands, putting both it and the Goldar book into a stone chest Casey gave them.

"Absolutely not" she says, handing Dialect the operation overdrive book. "These are much safer".

Dialect just shrugs her shoulders as the cheers get louder, Toxala had just broken the record for most bowls of rice eaten at the Pai Zuhq academy.

"You're amazing!" Kyle cheers

"Thanks, you may remind me of that pink jerk who locked me up, but you're pretty nice". Toxala responds as she soaks in the praise

"Hahaha I told you it's magenta…oh shit"

It takes Toxala 10 seconds to process what Kyle said, and another three seconds to start chasing him down.

Present time:

"Don't run just let us get our licks in" Zolda shouts.

Kyle runs for his life from the furious green woman who's chasing him down with the intent to kill, and the laughing man who's intent to just hit him.

The chase goes on for 30 minutes, and after a while all three just fall to the ground.

"Explain…everything" Zolda says through exhausted breaths.

Kyle gasps for air for a minute and a half, Dialect and Thruster walking to the group and handing the three water.

Kyle Chugs the entire bottle, and then begins his explanation.

"I was chosen as a ranger strictly for my combat ability. I thought of the ranger thing as a job, I did the arrest, then left for the next briefing. I never considered who I was arresting, or what for."

The others stay silent, listening to the man's story with interest.

"All that changes when I meet Dialect. She helped me see what I was doing, how wrong it was. And after she was arrested I asked to leave for a less stressful position. I was sent to the prison compound and worked as a guard, helping Dialect with her escape. She saw visions of a beast destroying the prison, and something appeared that matched her description, I helped set it free."

After his explanation, the others stay silent for a moment, Toxala growling while Zolda stays silent.

The red royal ranger crain's his head back, letting out a long sigh.

"Well…you're not doing that now, so whatever"

Zolda falls back, stretching his limbs. The others look at him with confusion, surprised at his nonchalant response.

"Why are you so calm about this!!?" Toxala grunts/shouts at Zolda.

"He didn't personally arrest me, and he helped out our escape. You can hate him all you want, but we're all the run here, so making an enemy of two of our rangers would be a bad decision."

Kyle stands and walks to the green woman, her red eyes flaring as he does. "Look, I'm so sorry for what I did, it's unfair that I took years of your life away."

Toxala gets up and walks away from the group, unwilling to hear Kyle speak any longer.

Three days pass and the royal rangers skate getting ready to leave the Pai Zuhq academy.

Kyle is morphed, he and Arjet are filling the phoenix Zord with food and water, Dialect doing a headcount off all they need.

Toxala is also morphed, refusing to stay in the room as Kyle. Zolda and Thruster choose to ride with her so she wouldn't be lonely.

Soon all say their goodbyes and thanks, Jarrod reassuring Kyle that he would be fine.

The rangers enter the two Zords and they fly off leaving the Pai Zuhq academy behind.

"Alrighty grid battle force should be…a few hours away" thruster states as he and Zolda look over a map Casey gave them.

"Mmh" the grumpy Toxala replies

When the phoenix Zord comes to the dragon Zords side, Toxala tilts into it, causing the thing to shake. Her intercom comes on.

"Watch it!" Arjet yells through the coms "I don't care if you're angry, don't ram us!"

Toxala just Snickers

Before the argument can continue a portal appears before the two Zords, sucking both in.

The dragon and phoenix ignore their drivers, flying through the portals to an unknown location.

When they reach the other end, all can see that they are now in a forest area.

"Dang you dumb lizard, where you take us!" Toxala yells as she hits the dashboard of her Zord.

The dragon flies closer to the trees and ejects everyone, flying off into the portal. The phoenix makes a gentle landing on the ground, waiting for the others to exit with their supplies before flying off.

Why'd we get dropped off here?" Zolda asks as looks around the woodland area, feeling a strange tingle I'm the air.

"Who knows, those things are busted" Toxala grimises as she yanks a bag from Kyle, pulling out a bottle of water before shoving it back to him.

The group walk around for a bit, only stopping when they feel the ground shake.

From the bushes comes a burly minotaur type creature, running strait for them.

All prepare for a fight, the minotaur runs right past them. Soon all man of creature follows, goblins, fairies, dwarf and elves all running away from something.

Arjet is the first to look up, seeing a giant purple and black centaur destroying the forest.

Zolda reacts next, immediately running to the centaur and placing the Zeo book in the middle slot.

"Royal arms!"

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