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Chapter7- The Red

A blinding light that knocks out all the power in the prison. Soon the light fades, and everyone is left in the dark of the night for a few moments. When the power comes back on, everyone's attention is on two people. One is the blue S.C P.T ranger, who seems to have summoned a beam saber while the power was off. And the other is a red ranger who is right in front of her, sword in hand.

This new ranger's suit was odd, it was as if someone drew two vertical lines on it, and colored each of the three sections a different color.

The right side that covered his arm, half of leg, and ⅓ of his mid section was black. The other half covered the same parts, but was white. And the center was red, with a long crimson cape that stretched down to his knees.

The middle section had something extra, like additional armor. The centerpiece being a circle with various symbols on it.

The helmet had a sword shaped visor, the cross-guard, that looked vaguely like flames, serving as the main way the ranger could see.

The two rangers stand right In Front of one another, Zolda having grown just as tall as the woman in the past 10 years he's been imprisoned.

No words are said, the two just clash blades, sparks flying as the two fight. Adelia thrust her blade, but Zolda simply moves to his left. The man then follows up this action by swinging his blade upwards, just barely hitting her chin as she falls back. Zolda takes advantage of her fall by stabbing the blade down, but Adelia is able to roll and evade the attack. She rises from the ground, going into a basic stance as she looks at Zolda.

The newly awakened red ranger tapes the book on his belt once, and the voice calls, "SUMMON CANNON" and his chest piece turns into cannon barrel. The newly mounted cannon fires five blast at Adelia, but she cuts the all with ease, just as she reaches Zolda, the cannon fires a pink cyclone that picks the woman up and throws her into a nearby wall.

Before she can even get up, Zolda presses the book again, "SUMMON ROCKET" and two more cannons appear, this time on his shoulders. Zolda fires a barrage of yellow lasers at the woman, smoke and rock fly everywhere as the man seems to have no interest in stopping. The barrage goes on for about 5 minutes, and when dust clears, all can see Adelia still standing there, her visor cracked, but other that she's no worse for wear.

"OOOOWWWW" is all she screams/groans as she presses the one large button on her Morpher "Hyper" it calls out, and the woman's suit starts to turn a brighter blue.

Before Zolda can even react, he's punched in the head, he doesn't even hit the ground before he's kicked in the air. He is then ax kicked back into the ground, and then is just stomped on by Adelia.

As foot after foot hits him, he presses the book a third time, "SUMMON PYRAMID".

This time, a pyramid appears, the base of which connects itself to Zolda's back. Two blue beams come out of the tip of the pyramid and grab Adelia, lifting her off the ground and holding her into the sky. He then fires everything, pink and yellow blast striking the woman. When he stops, Adelia finally demorphs, and falls to the ground unconscious.

All stare in shock as the ranger lays there, it is silent for a moment, and then is broken by the loud cheers of prisoners.

Zolda walks to the unconscious woman, sword in hand as he lifts it up. Preparing to slam it down on her head. He stops when Thruster comes to his side.

"If you spare her, there's a chance she'll just chase us down, the smart thing would be to finish her now. But you'd have to be pretty strong to do that", he all he says, staring at his cellmate.

Zolda stands there for a moment, not looking at Thruster, until he lowers his sword and says. "Yeah, too bad I'm really weak". Thruster just smiles as Zolda instructs him to pick up the unconscious woman. The ranger grabs the other blades and runs to find another ship.

The two fight their way through more guards, until they reach the hangar where the ships are held. There only appears to be one left.

We gatta go, now!" Thruster yells as he and Zolda run to the ship.

"Hi guys" the two turn to see Toxala, Dialect, and Kyle.

"Why are you here?" Thruster asks in shock and annoyance. Dialect speaks up next.

"I can feel it, something good fortune will come if I follow you", she points at Zolda.

"I go where she goes", Kyle adds, all the look to Toxala

"I hate to admit it, but the pickles hunches are normally right, I'll stick with you for now" she says, also pointing at the red ranger.

As soon as they all begin walking to the ship, a massive chunk of steel lands on it, making the ship blow up.

"Your hunches are trash!! I never should have believed in you" , Toxala yells In defeat.

Zolda looks in the direction of thrown metal, and everyone sees a giant version of the golden monster that Adelia took out.

"We're dead" Thruster deadpans, everyone is about to run, but the blade in Zolda's hand glows and the sky tears open again.

Dropping down In Front of the six is a Zord, a red centaur, but its back legs look more like the legs of a spider.

The Zord pulls the six into its cockpit by some unknown force, and Zolda takes a seat

Placing his sword into a slot next to his seat, the lights in the cockpit turn on, and the Zord begins to move.

"Well…might as well test this out", he says as the Zord moves to the beast.

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