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Chapter5: The Horrid Books

The morphin grid: present day

All stood in shock as the silver master went limp, their body floating in the green void. Just as Arjet screams out, the other masters engage the strange creature.

Red strikes first, a blast of unknown energy hitting the mass of black sludge, Its body falls apart, but reforms instantly. The Red master then tries to burn the creature, crimson fire as hot as the sun engulfs the book born entity. It screams in pain, and the book flares, splitting lnto another, identical book, like a cell dividing.

"ALL EVIL EMPRESSES!!" the second book calls out, and just like before, another mass of black liquid pools out. Yellow strikes the pool of sludge with lighting, trying to stop it before it even forms, but to no avail. The liquid forms into the shape of a woman, faceless and dripping black liquid. With a wave of her hand, the woman disperses the flame around the first creature, and two continue their assault on the masters

Pink is by the silver master's side, hitting him with an aura of pink light that heals him. The silver master jolts up and lets out a heavy breath, they don't even thank pink  before going to join the others in combat.

The silver master goes to the green, the two uniting staffs and lifting the two creatures up with unknown magic. The two entities begin to compress into basketball sized spheres, but just as the masters get the upper hand, the two books now split into four.


With those screams from the two books, two black masses rise and strike the silver and pink masters, releasing their hold on the two sludge monsters.

Red and yellow do their best to hold off the four on their own, but the two new creatures are tricky. one doesn't have form, only taking the properties of different elements, and the other keeps morphing into different animals.

"Get Arjet out of here!!" Says the red master, green grabs the woman and zooms off.

"What are those things?"
"I don't know, my child"

The green master is pulling Arjet along, almost pulling  the woman's arm out of its socket. When they reach their compound, the green master throws Arjet into a vault, the swords and Zords there with her.

"Stay here until we come back, understand"
I can help!?"
"No my child, you really can't"

The master flies off to rejoin the battle, leaving Arjet behind.

When the green master returns to the battle, she sees that it's not going well. Red, blue, silver and yellow were missing limbs, and pink was being attacked from all sides, not being able to heal them.

"What happened?" She asks, holding her arm out to heal the four, her restoration prowess being only second to pink."

"We tried to contain the books, wasn't effective," replies the yellow master, not even waiting to be fully healed before going to help the pink.

The creature that came out of the first book looks to green, who is undoing the damage he did to the masters that he did.

"AnNoYiNg", it forces out. Raising its hand and pointing at the master, the blood that takes the form of elements goes for her. Just as it does this, the two books split one last time, making six books in all.


From the first new book comes a hunchback creature, a hoarse and creeping laughter leaving its split mouth. And the other forms hundreds of what can only be described as black sludge manikins

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