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Chapter18: two man army

In a dark cave at the end of the forest, two atrocious beings talk.

One looks like an octopus combined with a fallen angel. His head resembles a red skull attached to a black octopus head. His body is black and red flesh, hard as stone. He has two large wings, but with tentacles instead of feathers.

The other looked like a creature in demonic red samurai armor. Six eyes and sharp covering his red face.

These are octomus and xandred, two of the most powerful members of the morlock and Nighlok respectively.

"I told you not to bring out any copies, they just make our main bodies weaker" Xandred tells the octomus, much to the morlock's annoyance.

"It displeases me to admit it, but you were correct Xandred. While the summons are powerful, we appear to be running on a fading power source."

Xandred nods and holds a hand out "even now I can feel my power slowly fading. At least I don't need sanzu water anymore"

"Then we're in agreement, we'll summon no more. All our power should be enough to enact our plan." Octomus grabs Xandred's hand, pulling him up from his sitting position.

"The two of us will be enough "

"So you really just left the blade up there?" Thruster asks, he and Zolda have left the area where the others were.

"Yep, if I can't use it how I see fit, then I don't want it" Zolda responds as he walks through the forest. around him are a myriad of different creatures of all shapes and sizes.

They walk for a while, until they hear a voice from behind them.

"Hey you two"

Behind them is one who called himself Jaden, the man holding Zolda's blade. This comes to the annoyance of Zolda, who just waves him off. "I don't want it, go away".

Unfortunately for Zolda, the blade flies out of Jaden's hand in the sheath-like Morpher.

"I have a bit of a proposition for you, a way to blow off steam, and if you come with, afterwards I'll give you this" Jaden holds up a small book, on it are various kanji.

"A legacy book? Alright, fine" Zolda answers as he gestures for Jaden to lead the way.

Back at root core

"I can't believe him!" Arjet grumbles as she paces back and forth, "why won't he take this seriously?"

As she's seething in anger, Toxala and Kyle have regained consciousness. The former of which is yelling at the latter.

"It was going fine until you got involved!"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to help you"

"I. Don't. Want. Your. Help" Toxala punctuates each word, eyes glowing red as she's desperate to get the point across.

A clap gets everyone's attention, Nick lets out a sigh and proposes something.

"How about an exercise, a way to blow off steam. And when where done, I'll give you guys this"

He holds up a book, on it are various magic circles.

"The mystic Force legacy book!? How'd you get that!?" Arjet asks as she tries to snatch the book away, Nick teleporting behind the girl.

"Showed up in my room a few days after the green master's message went out. Now, who wants to play?"

Toxala shoves Arjet to the side, yelling out "magic! I want it!"

In a open clearing of the forest

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